Heartache: 2 (Alt Ending)

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(Happy ending for the ones that wanted it)


A day had passed ever since Y/N caught her lover— well, her used to be lover cheating on her with a troll— I mean, Cormac McLaggen.

Obviously Y/N didn't give the girl a chance to come near her, which saddened the bushy haired girl. Everytime Y/N spotted her, she'd walk the complete opposite way, even if it made her twenty minutes late for class.

Hermione was genuinely bewildered with how her girlfriend was acting. She knew that they were a bit rocky since the fight, but she knew Y/N wouldn't ignore her like this.

She had mixed emotions, feeling sad yet quite infuriated with the fact that she didn't get to spend her birthday with her lover.

Speaking of her birthday, she realised that she couldn't recall anything from yesterday, but she was so focused on Y/N that she didn't give much thought into it.

She was in her dorm getting ready for yet another day. Another miserable day without her girlfriend that she dearly missed.

Okay, Hermione would admit that she could simply apologize for accusing Y/N of cheating on her. But of course, she was a stubborn Know-It-All.

She made her way to class, her fingers fiddling rather nervously, knowing that she had class with Ravenclaw, meaning that her girlfriend would be there.

Hermione let out a yelp as she walked into the classroom, Y/N standing right on front of her.

But she didn't recognize her at all. Y/N's kind eyes and sweet smile had been replaced with a harsh, cold glare and sly smirk.

Y/N met her analytical gaze, looking down at her in a cautious manner. Hermione felt herself shrinking at Y/N's gaze, she never thought that the sight of her girlfriend would saddened her so much.

Hermione extended her hand as her mouth opened to talk.


But Y/N had already walked away, departing to her seat. Hermione let out a sigh as her hand fell to her side in disappointment, cursing at herself under her breath for not talking sooner.

She took her seat and decided to think about everything later, but hell, she couldn't go a milisecond without thinking about Y/N, wishing that they could get back to normal.

Y/N felt nothing but utter disdain as she kept her gaze on her desk, but she couldn't help but flicker her eyes in the bushy haired girls direction.

Hermione was conversing with Ron, her eyes sparkling in the light, her laughter ringing in Y/N's ears.

Y/N averted her gaze back down, trying to focus on anything and everything but her. She was too stubborn to admit that she wanted Hermione's sparkly eyes to meet hers. She wanted to share that laughter as well, but she wouldn't allow herself.

Y/N could feel her nose burn slightly, as well as her eyes as she realised how happy the bushy haired girl seemed. How can she seem to be so okay when Y/N was gone?

Perhaps it's because she never loved you in the first place. Said a voice in Y/N's head. And unfortunately, she believed it.

But oh was she wrong.


"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" said a completely exasperated Y/N, glaring at the bushy haired girl.

"We're gonna talk whether you like it or not." responded Hermione with a huff, walking over to the bed to sit down next to Y/N.

"I don't want to talk to you!" snapped Y/N furiously, scooting backwards to get away from her. "I don't want to talk to a cheater!"

"A cheater?" repeated Hermione, feeling genuinely bewildered. "I'm not—"

"Don't you lie to me!" scoffed Y/N. "I literally saw you snogging McLaggen right on front of me! And Godric knows what you guys did after I left!" she gagged.

"McLaggen?" said Hermione, her face contorting with confusion. "But— But when?—"

"Your birthday!"

"I didn't even went an inch near him!" protested Hermione, her cheeks flushing angrily. "I don't even remember what I bloody did on my birthday! All I remember is going into the common room and McLaggen offered me chocolates for my birthday, and that's it!"

Y/N didn't burst this time, processing what Hermione just said.

"He gave you chocolates?" she repeated, quirking up an eyebrow. "Didn't Professor Slughorn say that his Love Potion got stolen a few days ago?.." she trailed on.

Hermione's angry freckled face slowly faded, turning into a rather dreamy look as she realised what this all meant.

"But it's just a possibility." said Y/N with a shake of her head, not daring to believe. "Why should I believe that you wouldn't cheat on me." she spat harshly.

"Because I love you idiot!" said Hermione in disbelief, inching herself closer to her girlfriend.

"Do not!"


"Do not!"


"Do not!"


With every word that came out of their mouths, their faces inched closer. They were so close, in fact, that their noses were brushing, their eyes locked as both of them let out a hum of disbelief.

And before Y/N knew it, Hermione was going into a fit of giggles. The bushy haired girls minty breath hitting her lips while Hermione stared into those eyes lovingly.

Y/N's pupils blown as she felt lips latching onto hers, the bushy haired girl kissing her eagerly. Y/N absolutely could not refuse a kiss from Hermione, it had always been her weakness.

This was something that occured so often. Everytime Hermione would upset her, the bushy haired girl would simply pull her into a loving kiss, and all of a sudden Y/N would forget that she was upset.

They pulled away as Hermione rested her forehead against Y/N's, stroking her cheek gently as she gaze into her eyes.

"You know exactly what to do so that I don't wanna fuss and fight no more." sighed Y/N, failing to hide her smile. "I despise that I adore you." she mumbled.

"You love me." affirmed Hermione with a satisfied grin.

"Maybe a tad bit too much."

"That's rubbish, because we both know that I love you more."


This chapter is specifically made for Ana_Chamy cause they're basically the reason I didn't quit JESHBSJW

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