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Prompt: Hermione looks for her lover after the battle


The Battle of Hogwarts had finished. They finally won. The Dark Lord was no longer amongst them. But at what cost?

The Golden Trio were walking in the Great Hall, small smiles plastered on their bruised faces. They looked around the Hall, seeing their friends and families talking and laughing. They had finally saved the Wizarding World.

"Hey, where's Y/N?" asked Hermione suddenly in an innocent voice, looking at her two friends. Their smiles were now being replaced with a wary look. "Where's my girlfriend?" she said in a now much more stern tone.

Her smile faltered at their silence and the looks on their faces. She felt her heart constricting, worry pooling in her stomach as her eyes scanned the Great Hall, looking for her lover.

"Y/N!" she yelled out to the Hall, attracting the attention of the other people who were now also looking for the girl. Her legs started to move by their own, running around, desperate to find the girl.

"Please don't be dead." whispered Hermione, her hope fading away with each room that she searched, no sign of her girlfriend.

She ran out of the castle, making her way to the Forbidden Forest. Her chest was heaving up and down, her pants were getting sprayed with mud with each step she took. But she didn't care. She needed to find Y/N.

She spotted a platinum-haired boy, crouched down next to a tree that seemed to have fallen.


But Draco didn't respond. His knees were pulled into his chests, his hands buried in his own platinum hair, gripping it harshly as his body shook with each sob he let out. His hands travelled down to something beside the tree, his hands shaking as he seemed to be holding someones hand.

"C'mon, (Y/L/N). Wake up. Don't do this to me." he said, his voice cracking. Hermione felt all the air in her lungs leaving, feeling as though she might collapse on the floor. She made her way to crouch down next to the platinum-haired boy who didn't even seem to care about her presence.

Hermione felt her heart break at the sight on front of her, her eyes glossing, brimming with tears as she looked at her girlfriends face. Y/Ns face was pale, her lips a lighter colour, blood trickling down her pale face. She cupped her cheeks, her hand gently tapping it.

"Wake up, my love." said Hermione softly yet she can feel her voice cracking and fading, her eyes stinging as her lover didn't make any movement. Her head lowered down on top of Y/Ns chest, feeling her body convulse.

"Y/N, wake up!" yelled Hermione, tears already trickling down onto her delicate face. "This isn't the time for one of your stupid jokes! Wake up!" she shouted with a pleading tone.

"Granger.." sighed Draco, patting her shoulder gently as he stood up, letting the girl have her space.

"We were supposed to finish school! We were supposed to build a life, a home!" rambled Hermione, feeling herself crumble. "What about marriage? What about all the things we talked about? I don't want it if it's not with you, please!" she sobbed, her hands grasping the unconscious girls sweatshirt.

Hermione picked up her head from Y/Ns chest, her hand cupping the girls jaw, leaning in and pressing her lips against her cold ones. But they didn't kiss back. They didn't have the warmth nor spark in them anymore. It was cold, empty and dull. Hermiones other hand grasped the leaves on the ground harshly, her heart constricting.

Then she let out one of the loudest yells she could ever muster, filled with nothing but pain, feeling as though her throat would burst open.

"Why couldn't you just stay with me? All we wanted was a happy life together. And you're not even here to give it to me! This isn't fair! You know that! Y/N, please!"

And that was when she heard a sudden heartbeat.

Hermione gasped, wiping her tears away as she looked down at her lover who was wearing a cheeky grin. "Salazar, am I in heaven? I must be. There's one hell of an angel on front of me." she snickered, her voice coming out raspy.

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" scoffed Hermione angrily, slapping the back of the girls head. Y/N was about to whine and protest until she felt lips smashing onto her, every feeling being conveyed into it.

Hermiones hands clawed Y/Ns sweatshirt, grasping anything and everything that she could. She pulled away after a few seconds, her chest heaving up and down, feeling breathless.

"Promise me that we'll stay together." said Hermione suddenly with a hint of desperation in her voice. "Please?" she added hopefully.

"Anything for you, Granger." sighed Y/N, her lips curling into a small smile. "Forever and always."

"And a little after that?"

"And a little after that."


That was cute lol *sobs in a corner feeling single*

820 words

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