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LMAO- 💀 the picture


Todoroki: Excuse me, is this seat taken?

Bakugo: That's my lap.

Todoroki: I know what I said.


Todoroki: I wonder why someone would want to hurt Midoriya.

Bakugo: Maybe because they met him.


Bakugo: You know those moment where I tell you this isn't a good idea?

Todoroki: And then I ignore you? Yeah-


Todoroki: Kat, stop being mean to Midoriya.

Bakugo: What are you going to do? Cry?

Todoroki: Yes.

Bakugo: Ok i'll stop.


Bakugo: Why are you crying?

Todoroki: I don't know...

Bakugo: So just for no reason?

Todoroki: Oh no, there are plenty of reasons. I'm just not sure which one it is this time.


Todoroki after his father incited him for 'family' dinner: I can't sorry, it's bad for the baby.

Endeavor: What baby?

Todoroki: Me.


Todoroki: Looks like we're on Plan B now.

Denki: Technically Plan G

Kirishima: How many plans do we have?

Todoroki: Until Plan M, but in Plan M, Midoriya dies.

Bakugo: I like Plan M.


Bakugo: You look cute in this new hoodie.

Todoroki: Thank you, it was 50% off.

Bakugo: I would like it 100% off.


*Todoroki rolls and hugs Bakugo*

Todoroki: I can't sleep...

Bakugo: I can. Goodnight.


Some random kid: Denki! You're a genius!

Denki: I get called that a lot.

The kid: What? A genius?

Denki: No, Denki. But they also use Kaminari.



Todoroki: When will it be? You say that all the time and i'm just waiting for you to do it, but if you don't, i'll do it myself.


Iida: What do you feel about stealing?

Todoroki: I think it's wrong and it shows bad character. People who steal are jealous and heartless.

Iida: Then what are you doing with Endeavor's card?


Todoroki: What is friends with benefits?

Bakugo: I-... Uhm, it's like a very special types of friends.

Todoroki: Like us?

Bakugo: *chokes*


Bakugo: Icyhot and I don't have pet names for each other.

Kirishima: What do bees make?

Bakugo: Are you stupid?

Kirishima: Juat answer it-

Bakugo: Honey?

Todoroki, on the kitchen: Wait a minute, sweetheart, I'm making spicy food for you.


Denki: Have you guys seen Mineta?

Jirou and the girls: Yeah, he was staring through the window when it started raining.

Iida: We should probably let him in if it gets any worse.

The girls: Nahh-


Todoroki: Did you just flirt with me?

Bakugo: I have been for the past years, but thanks for noticing.


Todoroki: There's one way to settle this. Rock, paper, scissors, Go!

Bakugo: *rock*

Todoroki: *scissors*

Todoroki: Aww... I lost :<



Todoroki: *sniff*

Bakugo: NO! No, you won. This rock is soft.


Todoroki *stands up*: Guys, I have a poem I want to say.

Midoriya: Please don't-

Todoroki: Roses are red. Violets are blue.

Iida: Well, it didn't start bad-

Todoroki *sits back down*: I'm gay.



Everyone else:



Todoroki: Hey Kat. The floor is lava.

Bakugo: *pushes Deku to the floor and starts laughing*


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