Community News

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Hi readers,

This brings us to the end of yet another issue of THE WRITERS CODE, and we've got great news!

We are going digital!

What that means is, our magazine issues, henceforth, will no longer be on Wattpad. While all of our previous issues will remain here for your reading pleasure, for a while, our new releases will be digital and if you're interested in getting an issue every other month, delivered straight to your inbox, visit our website and sign up!

If you'd like to write, design, review or edit for us, let us know via our PM.

We have a carrd link on the bio of all our profiles. Visit any one of them, and you'll find the links you need in there, as Wattpad does not allow the posting of web links.

In other news, our BOOK CLUB is recruiting. If you are interested in joining a weekly rotation club, check ours out.

Our Coalition Awards are now annually and only accepts completed self-published books, and the prizes are amazing. Read more about this on our website, as we are not allowed to share certain things because of Wattpad guidelines.

No news from our affiliates at this time

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No news from our affiliates at this time.

If you're interested in checking out other communities, here's a list of our current affiliates;









Until our next issue,
Stay safe

Until our next issue,Stay safe

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