Theme Article

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When we started out looking for a title for this issue, we were considering another astronomy themed idea, but there aren't that many more out there. Then our brilliant cover designer kdpeters came up with a retro cover taking us back to the very first issue. The entire magazine team fell in love with the idea, and here we are.

And now I am tasked with writing an article based on our theme rhythm, and I realized we all have cycles which run our lives. Whether it is the seasons of the year, which govern the weather we deal with, or the rhythm of a semester of school with assignments and exams, everyone has a guiding rhythm in their lives.

Each day has its own routine, and time management becomes a challenge for us as we find a way to tuck an hour or two aside to write. For those of you who are students, with pressures I can barely remember, I urge you to give yourselves the release of writing whatever comes into your head for ten minutes every day. Whether you type it or write with a pen, this is a great way to get rid of your stress.

If you have given yourself word goals for the month or week, don't forget, any writing you do for your school assignments counts toward your total. Writing those papers gives you skills that apply to creative endeavours as well. Learning about paragraph structure and syntax will improve skills you can apply to what you really want to write.

Of all the rhythms in our lives, our daily sleep pattern is king. Please make sure you give your bodies the time to recharge. And I'm not saying it's easy. At sixty-two, I'm still learning that lesson. Even in retirement, I need to remember, a consistent bedtime is probably the most important thing I can do for myself.

So, learn to enjoy the cycles within cycles and use them to structure the gift of time. Remember that writing falls under self-care, and don't let your life rob you of the pleasure of creating a new world or writing a quick piece of flash fiction. Each new paragraph or poem will let you grow as an author and in the end, you will have a portfolio of pieces you can be proud to share.

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