The History of The One Series

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Twenty Years of The Story and The Characters You've Come to Love and Hate

When one comes up with a story idea, they could either let it evolve to become the best version possible; or let it get buried with other ideas. Sometimes that one plot could stay with them for years, revisiting it numerous times until they're ready to publish the final version as a novel.

For me, that has been the case. The One Series had been on Wattpad since October 2011. This year would be the ten-year anniversary since I first published Let Me Be The One on that platform. I had attempted other platforms, such as Tapas and Inkitt, but Wattpad was where it started before finally publishing the series on Amazon. That process will be a yearly project for me, just so I can finalize this series.

To most readers, no one knows that The One Series actually had earlier iterations before it premiered on Wattpad. Most of them were not shared online, until I put them in a fact book.

Everyone's stories start somewhere, and for me, it started with a TV special I watched when I was thirteen. Think of this article as a look into the author's mind on how I let my series evolve into becoming the final version you see now on Amazon.

Fanfiction Rule Our Lives

2002. Pop groups were all the rage, well, kind of if you lived in Europe. The biggest acts included Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, NSYNC, and the Backstreet Boys. For thirteen-year-old me, these were my favourites. I was also watching the teen Disney shows, but I was still sticking with this one show from when I was a kid, Arthur.

I'll admit that saying this makes me cringe, but it was this show, and other factors, that brought about The One Series. It was when this childhood show aired a TV special that had a popular Nineties' boy band as the guest stars. One of the characters wanted to form a rock band to counteract the pop group. Her band got popular, she didn't like that, but they served as an opening act for the Backstreet Boys' concert in the girl's hometown.

I thought it was the most amazing thing I had ever watched. I still kind of think that to this day, but it was the moment that sparked inspiration. I didn't write the actual story at the time, but I had a decent idea on what it was going to be about.

That same girl who formed the rock band, which ended up splitting up, decides to reform it as a vocal pop group. Their music would sound like the European co-ed pop groups at the time.

I didn't have the time to write it out due to being in school and such, but I did go as far as making fake CD label covers for their albums.

As of this writing, Arthur is ending next year with the final season. It saddens me to see something from my childhood ending. Though I haven't watched the show in years, it still means something to me. It was also the earliest connection to The One Series.

Pop Groups Change the World

A year later, I became a fan of a British teen pop group. They were S Club 8, and we all shared the same ages. It was that moment that things began to change for my characters and their story. They transitioned into original characters. Their pop band's origins also changed.

Several months later, I figured it was time to write my characters, despite being busy. I barely worked on it, which I don't remember why. Still, I had the premise in mind. It was going to be an S Club 8 fanfiction with the prototype version of The One Series' pop group, UTurn. Their name wasn't UTurn at the time, and they only had five people. Both groups were going to tour across America.

I didn't have much else in mind at the time, and I couldn't quite submit it to a fan website, so it died in my files. Despite that, I had some idea on what the characters were going to be like. It was from there that it was time to give proto-UTurn a series of their own.

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