Chapter 37 - Interview

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- Five Years Later -

Wattpad Tv: welcome to our studio, Amani. We are really happy to have you here with us.

Amani: thank you so much (smiles).

Wattpad Tv: you are welcome. So, the reason why we summoned you here is because people have been talking positively about you and your pharmacy in our weekly health program.

Amani: hmm, that's nice (nods gladly).

Wattpad Tv: yes, they used to praise you and also express how helpful your Pharmacy has been to them. Can you please tell us how you came about the said pharmacy?

Amani: well, actually (clears throat), abefore I even finished my school I had pharmacy in mind. But the main problem was, location.

There were so many big Pharmacies in Minna, so I thought mine would be given less attention.

I kept thinking until I eventually decided that Animal Farm Center was the best place, the place was far from my home but I didn't care.

Wattpad Tv: what's so special about Animal Farm Center? Does the area mean something to you?

Amani: Animal Farm Center is a densely populated area with an old school hospital known as Gidan Sauki (home of recovery).

The hospital's pharmacy crumbled due to corruption and the government never cared to rebuild it. Most of the patients there relied on the drugs they get in small Pharmacies, sometimes they even need to come to the city to get certain drugs or medication.

How was that a good thing? It was stressful, hence I decided to erect my pharmacy there. I really invested lots of money into it with the help of my husband and my parents.

Whatever medical supply you need, you can get it there. Gidan Sauki Hospital now relies fully on the pharmacy, in fact people from different places used to come and buy drugs from us.

Wattpad Tv: that's great! People used to say you have direct contact with many pharmaceutical companies and your drugs are mostly gotten from India, U.S, and many countries across the world.

Amani: well that's true, my drugs are gotten right from the companies that manufacture them. I have connections and my husband should be thanked for, he was the one that connected me with most of the people I do business with right now.

Wattpad Tv: what can you say about your husband's business? And can you tell us a little about your personal life?

Amani: my husband's business is all about clothings and Alhamdulillah it's booming too. And about my personal life, I have two children. Minal and Abba, with Manal being the eldest.

Wattpad Tv: alright, thanks for being with us Amani.

Amani: (smiles) you are welcome.




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