Chapter 7 - Amani

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Few days ago I talked to Ya Hamid about furthering my education, I thought he would consent to it but I was so wrong and that really broke my heart.

He made it clear to me that he would not sponsor me to school, nor would he allow me to sponsor myself or anybody to do the same. Like seriously?

That day I cried until my eyes became puffy and my throat became sore. In fact, I lost my physical strength and it took me long time to regain it back.

Without second thought, I decided to talk to Aunt Bahijjah on phone about it. After all, she was his sister and I believed she could convince him to let me further my education.

Furthering my education had been my dream and I wouldn't allow marriage or anything to hinder me from doing that. If I didn't get to become a doctor, I should at least become a nurse.

"Don't worry dear, I will talk to him" Aunt Bahijjah had assured me. And today being Monday, I was expecting to hear from her but guess what? I heard from Ya Hamid instead.

He came to me in the kitchen while I was cooking lunch and began yelling at me that, why did I involved his sister into our family matter! He was really angry, and before I knew it he'd started insulting me.

I didn't even know when I broke into tears and told him to divorce me so I could return back to my parents. I even knelt in front of him and implored him to set me free but he didn't. He just hissed and left the kitchen, leaving me to cry all I can.


After crying incessantly for nearly an hour, I began perceiving some strange smell like something was burning. And before I knew it, my pot was already bringing out smoke.

That was when I realized I had left my food to burn. Thus, I raced towards it and turned off the gass cooker before pulling the pot down.

That day we didn't eat lunch in time because I had to prepare another food again. I thought Ya Hamid would ask why I was late but he didn't, he just ate his meal after being served. Hence he drove out to God knows where and then came back late in the night, by then I was in my prayer mat pouring out my pains to Allah for possible solution.


The following day I woke up late so I couldn't prepare breakfast in time. And by the time I was done, Ya Hamid was nowhere to be found. He must have strolled out because his car was still in the parking lot.

Nevertheless, I left his food in the dining table for him and headed to my room to take my bath. After the bath, I did some house chores and then rested until he came back knocking my door.

And when I opened the door for him he told me to get my hijab and follow him to his car outside. He didn't tell me where we were going to and I couldn't ask him either. I just did as he told me to do.

As soon as we were finally in his car, he started the car and drove gently towards the gate. "Mtsww, I am tired of opening this gate by myself. I think I will get a gateman soon!" He said storming out of the car.

He went and opened the gate, came back and drove us out before storming out again and closing the gate. The whole thing was funny to me and I didn't even know when I found myself giggling.

Albeit I cleared my face immediately he returned back. Thus, he stormed into the car and drove us away. He was really good at driving, very gentle and careful. The only problem he had was his lack of respect for traffic lights.


We arrived at our destination some minutes later, which was the second gate of An-Noor College of Health Technology (ANCHT) Minna. One of the new generation private institutions for higher studies.

I had wanted asking him what we were doing there but decided to just keep mute. I didn't want to say something that will make him go berserk, you know, or make him disgrace me in front of the world.

He alighted from the car and so did I. And as he began walking gently to God knows where, I decided to follow him as well until we arrived in an office. He greeted the person inside and the person welcomed us warmly.

I had no idea who the person was but it was obvious he was a lecturer and Ya Hamid knew him well. "This is the girl I told you about" Ya Hamid said gesturing towards me.

"Your wife? Wow, Ma Shaa Allah" The person said looking at me from head to toe.

"Common, cut that crap!" Ya Hamid said to him. "I want to get her admission here, my sister told me she's interested in becoming a doctor or at least a nurse"

"Really?" The person wrinkled a brow and continued. "If that's the case then she should write Jamb and go to the Uni..."

"Hold it right there, Abba. What do you mean?" Ya Hamid cut him offguard before turning to me with a sigh. "Amani, wait for us outside please" He said and without objection, I turned and left.

But one thing was that, I could hear some of the things they were saying outside since I was standing right next to the door. And you know, Ya Hamid had a very loud voice especially when he's arguing.

According to him, he didn't want me to go to the university not only because of the high cost of my desired programs but because I would be going far away from home. Imagine! And an outsider would think he cared about me.

After their discussion, he called me in and asked if I liked Pharmacy. I didn't know anything about the course so I told him NO but guess what? He and his friend joined hands and overwhelmed me.

I didn't realize how fucked up I was until we were finally home and I decided to do a brief research about the course. In anger, I called Aunt Bahijjah and told her everything that had happened.

After apprising her, she heaved a sigh and told me to handle the problems of my home by myself because the last time she talked to Ya Hamid about me it didn't end well and he warned her to stay away from his family matters. As if she's an outsider or something.


Hmm guys, pray for me please.

Put me in your prayers this Ramadan.


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