Chapter 19: Betrayal is Never an Enjoyable Experience

Start from the beginning

"Phiiiiiiiiillll!" Tommy whined. "Mellohi buried me under the snooooooow."

"Oh, here we go again," Phil muttered under his breath. "Tommy, did you deserve it?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"That's what I thought."

Mellohi was laughing along with Phil when she noticed Techno started toward the cabin.

"Techno?" she asked. "What's the matter?"

Though she couldn't see his face, she could tell by his tense posture that what he was about to say wasn't good. "Get your gear," he said. "There's something you gotta see."


The community house was in ruins. It looked like someone dropped a nuke on the place. And judging by the shouting in and around the decimated structure, the primary suspect was....Tommy?

Mellohi glanced at where the boy would've been, had he not been invisible. She flicked her tail nervously as she sensed his shock.

"Oh, no," Sebastian breathed. "What happened here?"

"By the looks of it," Dexter remarked snidely, "it was blown up."

"No shit, Sherlock," Lavender deadpanned.

Mellohi snapped her tail, almost like a whip, quieting the voices and alerting Technoblade and Tommy. Phil stayed back at the cabin.

She crept forward, taking her brothers' hands. She pulled them along, stealthily dodging the mass of people arguing in the ruins. They snuck closer in an attempt to hear what was being said over the mass murmuring.

They noticed Dream at the center of attention, with Tubbo next to him. The Avengers, along with Ghostbur and many other members of the SMP, were perched on wildly-placed platforms that remained.

"Argh!" Dream growled, pacing angrily on what little of the floor remained. "Tommy, that little prick! How dare he blow up the oldest building on the server!"

Tommy's hand clenched as tight as it would go, forcing a stifled squeak of pain from Mellohi.

"No!" Tommy shouted, unable to keep his mouth shut any longer. "No, that isn't true!"

"Wha—Tommy!?" Dream sputtered. Tommy threw on his armor to be seen, because he was still invisible.

"Tommy, what are you doing here?" Tubbo muttered.

"I came here because I need to clear this up," he snarled, the invis wearing off. "I didn't blow up the community house!"

"Oh, really?" Tubbo retorted, gesturing to the ruins. "Cause it sure as hell doesn't look like it!"

"You know what?! I don't need you to believe me. You exiled me for no reason, you never once visited me in exile, and you don't seem to care that I'm back!"

"I thought you were dead!" Tubbo cried. "And I exiled you for the safety of L'Manburg! Those discs have clouded your mind, Tommy!"

"Speaking of the discs," Dream interrupted, "as far as I know, you have the other one, Tubbo. So why don't you hand it over?"

"Don't you fucking do it, Tubbo," Tommy snarled.

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