Chapter 10: Execute the Executioner

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"I'm going to go after them," Philza declared, determination lining his voice. He hastily scrawled out a note to Technoblade, his handwriting messy and rushed. He tied the note to a crow and threw it out the window.

"What?!" Mellohi exclaimed. "You can't! They'll catch you!"

"Not if I take a shorter route," he replied.

"Then let me come!" she begged.

"No, my child." He shook his head, beginning to prepare for his journey. "I need to go alone. Plus, you've never been to the Nether before. It's way too dangerous."

"What's the Nether?" Mellohi asked curiously.

"I will tell you later," he responded, shouldering his supplies. "For now, I need you to hold down the fort. Make sure they don't know I've left. If they come back, write to me. The crows will know where to take it."

Mellohi nodded, saluting him. Phil had a brief moment of surprise at her easy compliance, but got over it swiftly. He crushed her in a warm fatherly hug, then hurried out the door.

Now alone with her mind, the Enderman wandered around the house. She found some paper, and plopped down to begin sketching.

"Aren't you worried about Phil?" Lavender wondered.

"Nope!" Mellohi responded childishly. "He can take care of himself."

"We barely know him!" Dexter tried to reason, eager for rebellion. "He could be inexperienced! He could also be lying to us about going to see the pig man."

"First of all, that's not Technoblade's name," Mellohi remarked. "Second, Phil has shown us plenty of times that he is fully capable of surviving on his own."

"Well, it seems we'll be stuck here alone for a while," Sebastian interrupted before Dexter did something bad. "I say we make a battle plan."

"Battle plan?" they all quizzically asked him.

"Yeah," he replied. "If we can't escape, then we have to figure out how to fight the bastards when they come back."

"I'm sure Technoblade already has a plan," Mellohi said, finishing up her sketch. It was of Philza. "After all, Phil's crows were bred to be much faster than ordinary ones."

"And how, exactly, do you know this?" The Enderman could practically see Dexter's eyebrow raise.

"I've watched the birds' movements," she told him. "They are much more energetic, and they always have a hop in their step."

"All birds hop, little Mellohi," Lavender pointed out.

"These ones are different." The child left her drawing to dry, wobbling around the cozy living room. "It's not natural, but natural still."

"You make no sense," Dexter muttered.

"I know," she chirped. Dexter didn't know how to combat it.

"So," Sebastian dragged on.

"Oh, right!" Mellohi perked up. She scrapped her nearly dried sketch, shoving it to the side. In it's place, she smacked a map of L'Manburg on the desktop. With the ink, she began scribbling out places and things that would aid her in her 'fight'. Her voices helped. The whole time, however, Mellohi felt as though someone had their eyes on her.

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