Chapter 19: Betrayal is Never an Enjoyable Experience

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"I'm heading out!" Technoblade called.

"Wait!" Mellohi cried. She tackled him in a massive hug, which he returned awkwardly. "Stay safe!"

"Thanks, kid," he responded with a smile. To Tommy he said, "Don't steal anything, and try not to set the house on fire."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." The child waved him off.

Techno rolled his eyes at Mellohi, who giggled. He tousled her messy indigo hair, and then he was gone.

She and Tommy stood awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

"So." The little Enderman dragged out the word. "What do you wanna do?"

"I dunno," Tommy shrugged.

More silence.

"Do you want to build a snowman?"


Somehow Mellohi convinced Tommy to build a snowman with her, but the conditions were that it had to be the biggest snowman ever, and they had to have a snow fight afterwards.

Tommy worked on rolling the base because it was the largest, and he said Mellohi wasn't a big enough man for it.

"I'm not a man, and neither are you," she pointed out.

"Shut up," he muttered, chucking a snowball at her. He missed. Badly.

The little Enderman stared at the place the snowball had landed, then glanced back at Tommy. Her distorted grin was full of mischief.

Before the boy had a chance to blink, Mellohi gripped the large snowball she made and disappeared. Her friend glanced around wildly. Suddenly, she teleported above him in a flash of purple, and dropped the gargantuan mound of snow on top of him. She fell to the ground with a loud oof, just the same as Tommy. Only he was crushed under the snow.

"MELLOHI, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Tommy screeched. Mellohi also screeched as the fuming boy exploded from the snow pile, charging at her. He chased her around the cabin, tripping and falling occasionally. Every time he did, though, the little girl slowed down to make him feel better.

As they were sprinting about, immersed in their game of tag, Mellohi crashed into something. She thought it was a tree, but quickly dismissed the thought when it fell over and began to laugh. The little Enderman glanced up in worry, only to find that she recognized the snow-covered face. Philza was lying in the snow, grinning his face off. Mellohi lit up, her tail wagging in excitement.

"Dadza!" she cried. She paused. She laughed. "I'm sorry! I called you Dadza instead of Philza!"

"It's okay, mate," Phil chuckled. "You can call me Dadza. That's what the crows call me anyway."

"Really?!" Mellohi's purple eyes sparked under her blindfold.


"Oh, Dadza!" she squeaked. "I missed you so much!"

Phil laughed again. "I missed you too, little Mellohi."

"Alright, get up," Technoblade snickered, towering over them. "You don't want to catch a cold."

Techno helped his friend and the little Enderman off the ground. Tommy came stamping up to Phil, still ticked off about getting buried in snow. Mellohi hid behind the Piglin, who chuckled and picked her up in a piggyback.

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