Chapter 15: Mellohi is Lost

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"What are you doing here, Ranboo?" Technoblade growled, pressing his pickaxe against Ranboo's chest. "If you aren't here to return my stuff, I suggest you start running."

"O-oh!" the half-Enderman stuttered. "That's actually why I came."

Technoblade lowered his weapon reluctantly, though he still gripped the handle tightly. "What do you have?"

"I-I have your shoes," Ranboo told him. "They're in my enderchest."

Confident the half-Enderman wouldn't stab him in the back, Technoblade motioned for him to follow. Mellohi started after them, but Techno stopped her.

"Wait here," he said. "Watch over Tommy."

"What?!" Tommy screeched as the two hybrids entered the cottage.

There was an uneasy silence that settled over the two as they awkwardly stared at the snow.

"Welp!" Tommy exclaimed uncomfortably. "I'm off. See you never?"

"Where are you off to?" Mellohi inquired.

"Like I have to tell you," he snarled.

"Wait," she called after him as he began to slink away. "Tell me more about your brother."

"My what?" Tommy mumbled, stopping cold.

"Your brother," Mellohi repeated. "Phil has mentioned you and occasionally Tubbo, but he never says anything about your other brother. Phil gave me a description, but when I prodded, he started crying."

"Wilbur," Tommy whispered.

Deafening silence once again rested over their heads. Tommy suppressed a shiver, returning to his old self.

"No!" he shouted, causing Mellohi to flinch. "I'm not talking about that bastard! He's a wrongun' and a complete dipshit!"

"What did he do that was so bad?" Mellohi asked politely.

"He fucking blew up L'Manburg!" Tommy cried, angry tears forming in his eyes.

"But L'Manburg is fine," the Enderman pointed out, cocking her head to the side in confusion.

"It was never fine," he sighed, turning away to hide his sorrow. Mellohi frowned, reaching out to comfort him, but he smacked her hand away. "I don't need your pity, you insane freak."

Mellohi flinched back, having never been accustomed to the many insults people threw her way. "I'm sorry...."

They stood there, awkward in each other's company. Mellohi turned heel and sped into the house, unable to bear the negative emotions any longer. When she entered, though, an incredible sight stood before her.

The Blade seemed to be glowing in his full set of enchanted netherite armor. The runes made his defense shimmer with purple light. He had Quackity's pickaxe perched on his shoulder, and his face radiated pride, joyous to be back in his own armor once again. Ranboo clearly gave him more than his shoes.

"Woah," Mellohi breathed, stunned by the sight. Techno noticed her watching, and chuckled lightly.

"You can stop staring."

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