Ep. 4 (Reworked)

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Third person POV

They followed the guards to the meeting area where many soldiers were "Sir 19 people went missing when they went to the forest there has also been 12 landmines nobody stepped on it but there is a possibility that there is more" The soldier said while pointing at landmines...

Asean growled "Isis..." He whispered "Is what?" Nato asked Asean "Isis... We were allies.. But he murdered 120 people...." Asean said "Theres a possibility that they are trying to find out y-" the soldier was cut off when someone screamed

Third person POV

someone screamed it was.... " AUSTRIA MYANMAR!!!" Martial yelled Austria and myan stepped on a landmine austria was coighing blood myan was bleeding They ran to them quickly then... Someone else screamed "WALDZ!!! TIMOR!!!" EU yelled and ran to them "NOBODY MOVE!!!" UN yelled while using a landmine detector everyone stopped moving, Timor was holding a gun seeming like he saw someone... Wales being completely breathless..

Nato POV

this isnt fine.. The war is near and they do this?! It could've been us not the kids! "Dead bodies have been seen around the empires lands sir! Some in wells some in Rivers some hanging on trees" Soldier Mark said. We thought of a plan "Lockdown..." EU said we agreed "Lockdown until this war is over" UN said the soldiers nodded "All four empires are on lockdown nobody goes out nobody goes in" Asean said "We better get a plan quick" I said

Timor POV

i opened my eyes i turned my head over and saw Myan austria and wales bleeding i held my eye myan was asleep still i saw my siblings and EUs kids looking down "timor... You should rest for abit bud" F.T said i close my eyes trying to remember what happend.. Then i remembered me and wales stepped on a landmine same with myan, and austria i slept...

Myan POV

it hurts everything hurts! I cant do it anymore.. I wanna give up but i dont wanna die.. I hissed at the sudden pain on my stomach i woke up to see a nurse holding a hot towel with alcohol (i know alcohol didnt exist during those years but pretend it does) "Very sorry Sir Myan but we have to" the nurse said i nodded and let them do it i hissed then papa Asean Nato, EU and UN went in "Are you two fine?" UN asked us Timor, looked at him with his other eye closed "Open both of your eyes..." EU said he sighed and opened it we gasped

We were shocked... The once White bright eye of timor... Turned into a red.. dark.. Devil-like eye 'Im fine' Timor signed


"Get that jake moris dude" Nato said the soldiers got Jake moris "P-please! Let me go i-i-i wont mess with you again!" he jake begged for his life "How many people are fighting?" I asked he just shivered i kicked his face "HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE FIGHTING!!!" i yelled once more

"190,239 germans 127,472 Japanese 302,438 Italians! Please let me go!!" He begged "620,149 equal" UN said asean took a gun "PLEASE NO PLEASE!!" jake cried out "Pull the trigger? Or no?"

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