Is this the future? I asked myself, watching as a version of me dashed, forward hovering over Loki's unmoving body, with tears streaming down her face. A few tears pricked my own eyes, as I turned to face Loki.

The screen fizzled out, displaying the three final words. End of Life. Loki turned to face me, letting out a cackle, as the door behind us opened. I whipped around, to see who it was, as Loki continued to laugh, hiding his true emotions by doing what he did best. Lying.

I had expected it to be Mobius, but I was equally surprised and disappointed to see it was the hunter who had arrested us. She walked inside, ignoring my presence and turning to Loki. "What's so funny?" She questioned his uncharacteristic laughter.

Loki's laughing ceased, as the door closed behind the hunter. I glanced back and forth, between the two, with bated breath, waiting for the next move. Loki spoke first, quietly, but audible to both me and the hunter.

"Glorious purpose."

Loki spun around to face the hunter, as she took a slight step toward him. Just as Loki lunged at her, I stopped him, stepping into his path, and placing my hands on his chest.

"What are you doing?" I demanded incredulously. "Didn't you see what happened to that other guy?"

Loki looked down at me, before shaking his head and side-stepping me. I sighed defeatedly, turning around to observe, as Loki lunged towards the hunter and struck out with his fist, nearly colliding with her face, if she had not blocked the attack.

Despite Loki's strength, he was no match for the trained hunter. She twisted his arm painfully, before slamming him against the table, with his hands behind his back. I jumped forward, really not wanting to get involved, but knowing I had to protect my friend. I lunged at the hunter, grabbing the remote that controlled our collars, and pressing a random button.

The collars around our necks unclasped and I ripped mine off, letting it fall onto the ground. But, Loki seemed to have other ideas. He ripped the collar off of his neck and slapped it around the hunter's, imprisoning her in the Time Twister's control.

She struggled for a moment, pulling desperately at the band, before turning around and lunging for me. I took a step back, but it was unnecessary. Loki flipped a dial on the Time Twister and she was gone, looped into some other point of space and time.

Loki turned to face me, flipping his hair out of his face dramatically, before moving to stand beside me. I did not speak. I was so severely disappointed in his lack of self-control, I could not even look at him. He seemed to realise this and sighed defeatedly, before facing the door.

He switched another dial on the remote and the hunter appeared in front of us, already running towards us, before she disappeared again, with another flick of the switch.

Loki flipped the switch again, this time, flipping the hunter in and out of the room faster. She blipped in and out with immense speed, until she was almost a blur, disappearing and reappearing in the same place.

I turned to Loki, looking up at the sadistic grin on his face. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest, as the hunter disappeared again, though this time, Loki did not summon her back. He just dropped the remote on the ground and walked past me.

He bent down to the ground, picking up the Tesseract, which had been discarded there. He held it in his grasp, before walking past me again. He looked down at me for a split second, before he kept walking, over to the steps at the side of the room. With a begrudging sigh, I followed him.

I sat down on the step, beside him, leaning my head against the hard, cold wall behind me. Loki placed the Tesseract gently onto the ground, before placing his head in his hands with a heaving sigh.

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