3 | The Bifrost

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The room broke into utter chaos as everyone processed what Odin had said. I looked up in shock, noticing Sif and the others on the stage doing the same.

"What?" Thor questioned in a demanding tone. "Where?"

Odin ignored him, heading down the steps and through the path formed by the guards. Thor and the man with the horns rushed after him. They disappeared out the door as the panicking crowd continued to rage.

I looked up at Sif, who had a worried look on her face."What are we supposed to do?" I asked in confusion. "Should we help?"

Sif nodded and gestured for the Warriors Three to follow. We ran out of the hall and skidded to a stop before the guard that was standing outside the entrance to the weapons vault.

"Lady Sif," he greeted politely, nodding towards her. "Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun, and..." He trailed off when he got to me.

"Abi," I said, smiling at him.

"Abi," he echoed, nodding towards me. Turning back to Sif, he said. "The Allfather and his sons are inside. They do not wish to be interrupted."

Sif nodded in acceptance. "Alright. Can you, at least, tell us what happened?" She gestured to the rest of the group. "Did the Frost Giants take anything?"

The guard shook his head, looking relieved. "No, Lady SIf. They attempt to steal The Casket, but the Destroyer did its job. They perished before they could even leave the vault."

Sif nodded. "Good." She motioned to the others. "We shall wait in the common area."

As they walked off, I turned back to the guard. "Thank you," I lauded, before following after them.


We stood, waiting in the common room for Thor to return, but after a long while, there was still no sign of him.

"What is taking him so long?" Fandral exclaimed impatiently, as he was sitting tensely on the couch.

Sif, who was pacing along the window wall, stopped and shrugged. "No idea. He's probably arguing with Loki about something."

This piqued my interest. "Who's Loki?" I asked. I had heard Sif mention the name a handful of times, but I had never matched the name to a face.

Sif turned to me and scoffed. "Loki is Thor's brother. He's arrogant and entitled and awfully dramatic."

I raised an eyebrow in amusement. You literally just described Thor. I remained quiet, though, watching as Sif resumed her frantic pacing. Hogun was standing close to me, looking out of the window in thought, while Volstagg sat beside Fandral, looking completely unfazed by recent events.

Suddenly, Sif started walking towards the door. When she reached it she turned around to her warriors. "Where does Thor go when he's mad?" She asked, looking between them. They all looked at her, oblivious to whatever she was hinting at. "The dining hall," she exclaimed in exasperation. "Come on, let's go!"

The three warriors immediately stood up and followed her out of the room. I trailed behind them, keeping a slight distance as we ran through the maze of hallways, until we reached what appeared to be the dining room.

Just as we entered the room, there was a loud crash and the sound of breaking china. We rushed in to see the entire table—that could have seated at least fifty people—upturned on the floor, with food and cutlery strewn in its wake.

"What's this?" Volstagg exclaimed in shock, as we walked into the open space. I looked up to see Thor sitting on the steps, beside the green-clad man, who I now knew to be called Loki.

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