"Ouch." She says and sighs. "I know this one last question is a little touch, but when was the last time you saw your birth parents?"

Caleb looked at Sawyer after hearing that question. "It's gonna take a lot more than names to hear about them."

Sawyer nodded as he walked away. Hanna walked over to her and sighed. "Hanna, I know I'm staying with you..."

"We'll talk about Caleb and Janice."


Hanna shushed her before walking with her. "I'll tell you before I'll tell the others."

Sawyer was sitting with the others as they waited for Emily to jump in. Janice was sitting beside Hanna as Caleb looked at Sawyer. "Remind me which one is Bridgette and which one is Lindsey?"

"The one drinking from her purse is Bridgette." Sawyer said without looking.

"Thanks. I'll be right back."

Sawyer smiled as he left. "Why are you sitting with Caleb?" Aria asked causing her and Hanna to look.

"Am I not allowed to sit with him?"

"Sawyer, I like stray dogs too, but sometimes they bite." Spencer tells her.

Sawyer rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the swim meet. Her sister was already pissing her off. She smiled as Emily dived in causing everyone to cheer. Sawyer was watching with a smile as she watched Emily win. She stood up clapping for her.
After the swim meet, Sawyer walked out to see Caleb and sighed. "What's this?"

"My eviction notice."

"I'm sorry." She said as Hanna stayed a bit aways to listen.

"I hope you know that I didn't tell anyone..."

"I didn't go there." Caleb tells her.

"Maybe it's for the best."

"What are you doing?" Janice asked Hanna.

"Listening in. I might be able to help him and since Sawyer is staying with me. She will be in charge of Caleb."

Sawyer watched Caleb walking away. "Caleb, if you need a place to stay.."

"No, thanks."

"I'm not meaning at my place, but at Hanna's. I'm staying with her till the drama at home dies down." She tells him.

"Her mom will ask questions, someone will call social services...and it's just... It's a big mess, hehe."

Hanna walked over after writing her address down. "There is an old couch in my basement." Hanna says. "My mom will never know."

Caleb looked at Sawyer who nodded. "Thank you, Hanna." She said.

"You get to help him sneak around the house." Hanna tells her. "I hope this gets you two closer."

Sawyer laughed as she walked away as Aria walked over to Hanna about the text that A sent. What she didn't know was that Hanna was going to lie about her knowing about the museum tickets.

Janice stood there listening and hated what just happened. She walked away thinking of a place she could stay. "Janice, do you need a place to stay?" Hanna asked.

"Sure." Janice said.

"You can sleep in my room. I have an air mattress."

"Thanks." Janice said as she left.
Sawyer looked at Hanna as she knew what happened as Caleb snuck up behind her just as she told Aria that she knew about it too. "Question." He said causing Sawyer to look at him.


"Um, the towels in the bathroom? Are they like, the fancy peopl are coming over towels?" Caleb asked.

"No, you can use them." Hanna tells him as Janice walked over to the stairs to see Hanna's face.

"I don't have to. I can shake off and air dry." Caleb says.

"You don't have to do that." Sawyer said as she looked back at Hanna.

Caleb walked over to Sawyer as she sat on the steps. "What's going on?" He asked her. "You want me to leave?"

"It's not you." Sawyer tells him. "Aria is pissed at me. You remember what we talked about earlier."

"She found out anyway?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah and Hanna tried to take all the blame, but I couldn't. She confined in me and I couldn't let Hanna go through such heartache, so I just told her that Hanna told me what happened. Now she's never gonna speak to us again." Sawyer said with a tear sliding down her cheek. "You don't have to listen to me. You can go shower if you need to."

Caleb stood up and stopped as he heard Sawyer crying. He sat down and looked at Sawyer. "It can wait." He tells her making her look at him.

Sawyer laid her head on his shoulder as she was glad he stayed. She just hopes that Aria gives them a chance to explain what really happened.

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