Costume Party

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"No way in hell, Blair!"

Maka was running away from Blair, who was holding out what Soul could vaguely recognize as a Halloween costume.

It was a purple bikini with a purple tail and purple cat ears.

"Come on, Maka! It is so cute!"

"It is a bra and panties!"

Soul personally couldn't imagine Maka in that sort of costume. It wouldn't work for her.

"If I let you help me with my ACTUAL costume, will you stop chasing me around?"

Blair stopped, considered this, then said, "Okay!"

The costume disappeared and she dragged Maka into her room.

Soul shook his head. This costume party better be worth it, because he hated his costume.

Liz and Patty were trying on costumes at the costume shop.

"I want to be scary!" Patty decided, looking through the costumes.

"You could scare Kid," Liz suggested, grinning evilly.

Patty mirrored her grin and grabs random dress-up items.

Liz looked through and found a butterfly costume, remembering that Kid had said butterflies were his favorite animal due to their symmetry.


"Why did you make me a toga?" Black Star asked, looking at the costume Tsubaki made. "And what is with the lightning bolt?"

"It is a Zeus costume. Zeus is the king of the gods in Greek Mythology."

"Really?" Black Star said, surprised. He grinned and said, "This is awesome! What is your costume?"

Tsubaki held up a flowing white dress. "I'm going to be Aphrodite, goddess of beauty. She was Zeus' adoptive daughter."

"What about his wife?" Black Star asked.

"Um, Zeus...well...he cheated on her a lot with other goddesses and mortals."

Black Star was silent, then shouted, "WHAT A JERK! I WOULDN'T DO THAT! THAT ISN'T GODLY ENOUGH!"

Tsubaki suggested, "You could be Ares. I could give you a spear instead of a lightning bolt, and Ares was the god of war. He was Aphrodite's boyfriend." She didn't mention that Aphrodite cheated on Hepheastus with Ares.


Kid watched as Liz and Patty ran to their rooms, grinning evilly. He did not want to know what their plan was.

He looked at the box Liz had left on his desk and sighed. He didn't want to dress up for this party, but Liz had insisted. At least this accessory was symmetrical.

He put them on quickly and looked in the mirror.

"It will work, I suppose."

Crona looked at the costume he had bought. It was a knight costume, and he wasn't sure it would look right.

"Just put the damn thing on already!"

"Could you be in sword mode?" Crona asked him. "That would look cool with the costume."

"You owe me twenty pieces of candy."

Crona nodded in agreement. He hoped this would look okay.

"We are going to be late," Maka groaned as Blair worked on her make up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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