[book 2] chapter seven: we meet the future mrs. parker

Start from the beginning

"The narc's Mom's new boyfriend," Brenton piped in.

"Oh, they still call it boyfriend at your age?" Niko asked in an innocent tone. I accidentally snorted and pretended to cough when Mom shot me a death stare.

Thankfully, the doorbell rang, merely sparing me.

"If you will excuse me." Niko left the dining room before returning with the Vanessa character. 

Tall, tanned, and blonde were the first words to come to mind when I saw her. She was beautiful, to say the least, with her olive coloured skin, hazel eyes behind a pair of brown-rimmed eyeglasses, and beach blonde hair that was chocolate brown at the roots. She flashed us a smile, showcasing a set of bleached white teeth.

"It is so lovely to meet you all!" I expected her to have a high-pitched perky voice, but instead her voice was smooth and low.

"I've never been jealous of Niko until now," Brenton murmured to me. I gave him a grossed-out look as he eyed her up and down.

As gorgeous as Vanessa was, I had to admit she looked slightly older than Niko. I wasn't judging, but Niko had never dated anyone older than him.

"Sit down, babe," my brother said as he pulled out a chair for her. Brenton looked like he was on top of the world as Vanessa took a seat beside him.

I took his napkin off the table and placed it on his lap. "In case you get too excited," I whispered. Brenton replied by pinching my bare thigh. Lesson learned, don't wear shorts to dinner.

"Well," Mom spoke from the head of the table. "This is unexpected. I'm afraid there's really only enough coq au vin for six."

"Cocoa what?" Alex murmured.

"That's okay, Mrs. Parker," Vanessa said with a smile, oblivious to my little brother's commentary. "I'm a vegetarian."

I could see my mother's eye twitch. "Mrs. Parker?"

"Who cares?" Brenton intervened. "Niko, don't tell me you're becoming a vegetarian, man."

Mom raised her hand indicating for my twin to shut the hell up as she focused on Vanessa. "Excuse my bluntness, but how old are you?"

Niko scoffed. "Mother, please." 

Vanessa shook her head. "It's fine, honestly. I'm thirty, Mrs. Parker."

"They could be sisters,"  Brenton murmured, making me elbow him in reply. Now was not the time.

Ignoring Vanessa, Mom turned to face Niko. "Your girlfriend is thirty years old?" 

"Fiancée," he corrected. "Girlfriend is what you are to the narc-chef over there."

"I think I'll check on dessert," Adam said as he awkwardly stood up and left the dining room. No one paid any mind to him, and I almost felt bad for the guy. Actually, not really.

Brenton pumped his fist in the air encouragingly. "Look at my big bro go!" He paused. "Do older women really deliver as good as they say?"

"Brenton Wilhelm Parker!" Mom cried.

"How dare you speak about my fiancée like that!" Niko shouted at Brenton. He glanced at Mom and Vanessa, and once he was sure they weren't looking he mouthed, Hell yeah.

I groaned at my pig brothers. They were absolutely disgusting.

"I will have a talk with you later," Mom scolded Brenton before focusing her attention on Niko. "Darling, you're only twenty-three years old. Why on earth would you get involved with an old woman?"

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