Chapter 3

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I don't know what just happened and for the life of me I can't remember anything that I've read of werewolves at the moment with my own coming to the surface. I knew I had to leave that house before I shifted and scared Bella. Or worse hurt her since my Wolf instincts where coming forth.

I run a few feet into the wood breathing deeply and I look up seeing Kaleb.

"Don't ask." I say and I pull my phone out of my pocket and he steps back making eye contact with me and I know my eyes must still be wolf. I dial the only person I want to talk about this with.

"Can you give me some privacy?" I say to him and he leaves right away and I also say an incantation to make my current surroundings mute so no one can hear me.

"Hello Hope how is my favorite niece." I hear coming through my phone and I sit down on the damp ground and a humorless laugh comes out of my mouth.

"Hi, Aunt Freya. I need your help." I say nervously and very confused.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" She asks and I hear a door shut in the background.

"I'm fine, but something weird happened to me and I'm not sure what it means." I say looking at the hand that I touch Bella with and my hand looks normal but the feeling I can still feel it even though her hand isn't there anymore. Also my wolf wants to go back to Bella for some reason.

"Tell me everything." She says and I clear my throat.

"Alaric, Kaleb, and I are in Forks Washington.  We met with a possible new student and she's a Phoenix and Alaric seems to think she might be a hybrid of some sort and we just met a few minutes ago.   We shook hands and when my hand touched hers there was a jolt that went through my entire body and my wolf started to come to the surface. I can't remember ever reading anything about this."

"Did it hurt?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No the opposite actually. It felt really nice when it happened and my wolf wants to go back to her." I say frowning and I hear her start moving things around and she's quiet and I know she must be looking for a book that could explain what's happening to me.

"Yes. I found it. I'm going to put you on speaker so that I see if there is anything explaining this to find out what happened to you."

"Thank you, Aunt Freya." I say and I put my phone on speaker as well and set it on my leg and wait. 

I hear her turning the pages of the book she's looking through and I look around and see lots of pine and fir trees compared to the different trees in Virginia and I hope to be able to run through these woods while I'm here.

"I found it." Freya says gasping and I wonder if it's a bad thing.

"Okay, tell me what it says." I say and I bite my lip with worry.

"There isn't much written here, only that it's rare among werewolves, and shifters have something similar to it, but for them it's easier, they only need a single look to recognize it.  Hope, what you felt and are feelings of a true mate bond your wolf has recognized when you two touched. Knowing is the key point, it says that most don't question it and they don't even know what it means and it gets bypassed.  You're lucky you called me to find out otherwise..." She says and I pick up the phone and stare at it.

"Are you serious?"  I ask and she sighs.

"Yes. I'm reading from a journal that once belonged to a very old werewolf who experienced this."

"Ohh.." I say thinking about Keelin. 

"Did Keelin?" I ask and I hear her sigh again.

"I don't think so... I don't know because otherwise she would have told me, but don't worry about us. Tell me about this girl, who is she and what is she like, how old is she, is she pretty?" She rattles off sounding excited now.

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