Chapter 2

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It feels like I just fell asleep when I hear a loud knocking from downstairs I don't know what time it is but I know that it's Saturday and Charlie is fishing the whole weekend with Billy and I wasn't expecting anyone so I ignore it and try to get back to my nap.

My sleeping schedule is all out of wack since I've been having nightmares involving James and Victoria again. Those nightmares have resurfaced but they're different because now they end with Edward and his family leaving me or killing me. These nightmares have been getting worse every night and I find myself more awake than asleep, so napping for hours at a time during the day I'm lucky to do.  I'm also lucky that Charlie hasn't made me go back to school this week, but I know after this weekend and when Monday comes I'll have to go back.

Charlie has been pretty good coming to check up on me and wake me when I have a nightmare and I know it has taken a toll on him which is also why I've been sleeping during the day while he's at work, so with him gone this weekend it's good for him.

The knocking eventually stops and I was just about to fall back to sleep when I hear a loud bang downstairs and I shoot up in bed wide-eyed thinking about my nightmares and it was Edward who has changed his mind and wants my blood once and for all and he's come to kill me, or could it be Victoria looking for revenge.

I don't know if I'm still dreaming or if this is real and my curiosity gets the better of me and I get out of bed and quietly open my bedroom door. I hear talking downstairs and I move away from my door and stand at the top of the stairs to look down.   Shocked, I see a very pretty girl around my age, and next to her is a tall handsome guy I look at their eyes and I let out the breath I was holding seeing that they are both human, but then I think of Jacob and his normally brown eyes and I decided to be cautious because looks can be deceiving.

"Typically when someone doesn't answer the door that means to leave, not kick the door open or whatever it is you've done." I say with annoyance and I cross my arms over my chest and I realize I don't have a bra on.  Just great. I think and look at them annoyed.

"We're sorry about that, but we knew you were home and we traveled a long way to come and see you. I can reassure you that your door isn't broken." The pretty girl with green eyes says staring straight at me and I swear I thought her eyes were light blue before.

"I don't really care about the door, what I care about is why there are strangers in my house? I should also mention that my father is the Chief of Police." I say and I watch her look over to the man and I smirk a little.

"We know your father is the Police Chief Charles Swan." The guy says and I tilt my head in question because I still don't know who they are and what they want with me or my father.

"That doesn't explain who you are and why you broke in, I don't have time for games so tell me who you are and why you wanted me specifically?" I say starting to go down the stairs and they both back up and I see the door is open with a younger guy just outside the door and he gives me the a once over and I don't care that I don't have a bra on since this is my house and all that.

"I'm Hope Mikaelson." The girl says getting my attention back to her I see her eyes are light blue again. Okay that's interesting I think and nod at her and she points to the older taller guy. "And this is Alaric Saltzman and at the door is Kaleb Hawkins." She explains and look at the three of them and I'm curious why they are here and I look at Kaleb and something about the way he stands just outside the door is strange. I shake my head and go to the kitchen table and sit without offering them anything.

"Okay, since your here for me you know I'm Bella Swan and I take it you knew that, so why are you here?" I question a little softer as soon as Hope and Alaric sit and I look towards the door seeing the boy has yet to come in.

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