nice to meet you || chapter 3

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Brigette's POV

I'm going to be late. If only this Uber driver could drive faster. What an amazing way to meet my new idol. Everyone knows that being late is the key to showing someone that you like them very much. I called in sick and dressed in the nicest outfit I could manage. I sighed as I paced up and down the streets.

"Oh my god! Is that Brigette Lundy-Paine!?" My eyes widened at the sound of the high-pitched voice of a fan. Welp looks like I'm running. I quickly raced in the opposite direction. The bookstore was only about 10-11 blocks away, but I wanted to show up in a fancy car, and then Y/N will see it and comment on how stylish I was.

Jesus, I should try writing a book called Cheesiest Scenarios of All Time. It'll definitely be New York Times bestselling book. Then again, every book was the New York Times bestselling anything. I was internally grateful for my long legs and the harsh training I went through to fulfill my role as Casey.

I eventually made it to the bookstore. Sweaty and out of breath. I looked through the window and saw that Y/N was already done with the reading segment, so I could make it for the main event: the Q&A. 

I walked into the air-conditioned bookstore and gave the muscular security guard my ticket and stepped in. No one dared to take their eyes off of Y/N, even with my loud Doc Martens banging on the wooden floor. She had that effect on people. A radiance that I couldn't quite explain, it was something that just drew you in.

"Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for," Y/N said, her voice shaking me out of my trance. "Questions!"


Holy fucking shit. Brigette was at my event. I gulped and listened to my editor as he talked about the process of publishing the book so that there aren't as many questions during the Q&A segment. Y/B/F suddenly realized the presence of the actor and started wiggling their eyebrows at me.

Once you realized your editor had finished, I smiled and said gleefully, "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for: questions!"

I watched as Brigette chose a seat in the middle, and I sneaked a smile at them. They, surprisingly, smiled back while rubbing their neck. How can a gesture so simple be so attractive?

"L/N! When will the sequel come out?" a journalist asked. A woman in her early thirties with blonde hair and striking hazel eyes. Her skin was fair and perfect.

"Soon. My team and I are working on it. I just need to stop procrastinating and get to it," I said sheepishly, my cheeks warming from embarrassment. The journalist seemed satisfied with my answer and scribbled something down in her yellow notebook.

"Y/N L/N! William Graham from The Guardian. A recent rumor has been said that you'll be moving to New York City after your sequel comes out. Is this true?" William asked. His hair was gelled to the back and he had a very stern, yet laid-back, approach. He held his microphone in the air so that it could pick up my voice.

"It's all about how I feel. My friends-," I started, gesturing towards Y/B/F, "-know that I'm very spontaneous. So it's all about whether or not I feel like moving or not. But no matter what, California will always be my home." I punctuated my sentence with an easy-going smile.

"Freda Patal from Buzzfeed," Freda introduced herself. I sighed internally. I was so exhausted with Buzzfeed. You tell them once that you like the quizzes and suddenly they're storming your emails and mailboxes with invitations for them to interview you. "Are you involved with anyone at the moment?"

Brigette's POV

I shifted in my seat from the question Freda had asked. I noticed how uncomfortable Y/N became with just the mentioning of the fact that she was from Buzzfeed, now Y/N was more uncomfortable with the question, but I was secretly intrigued. This is how I'll find out whether I actually have a chance with her.

Wow, the love story of the fucking century: finding out if someone I like is single during a Q&A.

"Uh. No. It's complicated," Y/N replied, she was slightly flustered. I sagged slightly. Complicated? But I didn't even get some time to register my thought when journalists suddenly became very intrigued by Y/N's unnerved reaction.

"Ms. L/N! Ms. L/N!" someone called out. It was a young, small mousy girl, who looked like she was barely passing her college classes, raised her hand excitedly. Y/N's eyes softened at the sight of her.

"Yes, you in the back," She said. Suddenly, the room became silent and all eyes were on the mousy girl.

"I'm Genna Hankinson. I'm not with any newspaper or anything. Uhm I was just wondering how did you gain the courage to release your works to the world?" Greta asked. Her eyes sparkled with the fact that Y/N chose her to ask a question. I saw Y/N sag in relief. Happy with the question that didn't concern her "complicated" love life.

"I remember when I was just like you, Greta. All you have to do is believe. Sure, people will reject you. Step on you. Spit on you. Call you names. But you just ignore them. They're not deserving of your talent. At the end of the day, it's just you, your laptop, and a take-out coffee. Don't give up. The courage is within you. You just need to do something to awaken it. And it's not as complex as it sounds. Trust me, honey," I swore I got chills.

The Q&A flew by and before I knew it I was standing in line for the signing. I realized that the book I had was Fivel's. So I had to buy my own copy and get both books signed. Unfortunately, that led me to be at the back of the queue. I didn't mind though. It meant more time alone with Y/N.

Eventually, I made it to the front with my two copies. Y/N was sitting down, so she was shorter than me, and I was cowering over her. I hope I don't look scary. I pray to God that I don't look like a monster that's about to eat her up.


Brigette was cowering over me and it was so freaking attractive. They always had a smirk on their face. It was so magnetic. I felt like pulling them towards me and kissing them right there and then. But that would be awkward. 

"Hello. Brigette, right?" I greeted. Ugh, I sounded so weird. Does my voice always sound like that?

"Yeah. H-Hi," Brigette stuttered as they rubbed their neck. "Can you sign these? This one is for Fivel and the other one is for me."

I smiled and nodded. I took both books and signed the first one for Fivel. I wrote a note that said:

I hope you loved this book as much as I love Atypical.



I closed the book and turned to Brigette's copy, I fidgeted with my pen a little bit and gained internally prayed that something can give me courage for what I was about to do.

I was happy to see you here. Hope to see you again soon.



call me <3


I closed the book and gave it to Brigette. Our fingers brushed against one another's and I immediately felt my cheeks heat up.

"Thank you for coming. It was nice to meet you, Brigette Lundy-Paine, "I said, a playful smirk, playing off the fact that I gave someone my number for the first time in a long time.

"Nice to meet you too, Y/N L/N," Brigette said back with the same amount of playfulness. They turned on their heel and walked out of the bookstore. The bell ringing, signaling their departure.

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