i think i'm in love || chapter 2

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Y/B/F and I set up the living room to max comfort. I had a theatre room, but Y/B/F said it was too rich for their liking, so they liked to avoid it. We were both standing in the kitchen, listening to the slow pops of the popcorn in the microwave.

"You did some writing before I came over?" Y/B/F asked. She was wearing an oversized hoodie and some fluffy pink shorts with matching fluffy socks.

"Uh, yeah, totally," I lied. My cheeks heated up a bit and I prayed to whoever is up there wouldn't let Y/B/F see.

"You're lying," Y/B/F snapped. I shot her a confused glance asking 'how did you know?' "You scratch your neck when you're lying.

Suddenly, I became aware of the fact that my hand was scratching my neck. I quickly stopped and crossed my arms over my chest, pouting. Y/B/F chuckled as she hopped off the kitchen island to get the popcorn out of the microwave.

"But seriously though, what were you doing?" Y/B/F asked, her back facing me as she checked the popcorn. Suddenly, I remembered watching interviews with Brigette back-to-back for an hour. Y/B/F was always late.

"C'mon you can tell me," my nosy bestie said, smirking. And then suddenly, she gasped dramatically, "Was the Goody-Two-Shoes Y/N L/N watching por-" I quickly stopped them before they could finish their sentence.

"No!" I exclaimed, blushing at my friend's accusation. "I did some research on some of the cast members of Atypical and I kind of fell into an endless loophole that may or may not have involved Brigette Lundy-Paine."

Y/B/F beamed at my words, and I did not like it. Not one bit. We dropped the subject and prepared the snacks and headed to the living area where we signed into Y/B/F's Netflix account and she played Atypical.

Brigette's POV

I arrived home safe and sound and landed on my couch. I sighed as I opened the book to where I left off. Hours felt like minutes and before I knew it, it was midnight and I had finished the book. I stared at my ceiling, contemplating what I had just read. I've never read a book that fast before. Y/N left it on a cliffhanger, which annoyed me slightly. But, I saw her recent tweet that said a sequel will be coming soon and I couldn't wait.

I was bored, but not tired and something nagged for me to go over my script but I didn't want to. Instead, I looked up Y/N on YouTube and watched a recent interview with her and Jimmy Fallon. She was so beautiful. Her eyes and lips were my favorite parts of her face, and her voice sounded like angels singing.

I  watched video after video and I never seemed to get tired. Apparently, she used to have a gaming YouTube channel when she was younger, and I watched those too. I watched so many videos, that my Recommend page was just her. In the end, I just watched edits that her fans made of her. I forget how talented 13-year-olds can be, because holy shit, some of them were good.

Then, an ad popped up. Y/N was hosting a Q&A event at one of those indie book shops. I immediately clicked on the link and bought a ticket. I was going to see my favorite author. I stopped midthought of how I was going to approach her at the event. How the fuck did I fall for someone I didn't even meet?

Beats me.

I stood and headed towards my bedroom and changed into an oversized t-shirt and some shorts and settled into bed. I took a deep breath as I picked up my script from my bag and began to read.


I now remember why I don't watch shows or movies. Especially not with Y/B/F. Every time Casey showed up on the screen, Y/B/F started to make kissing noises and shout obnoxious things like "Look there's your girlfriend, ooh". Eventually, I got fed up.

"Continue this shit and we're moving to the rich people's theatre room," I threatened. That did it. My friend remained quiet and suddenly my phone rang. Who would be phoning me at 3 am? I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my manager, Ida Banks. I sighed and told Y/B/F to pause the show for a few minutes.

"Hello, Ida," I greeted as I answered the phone, "Is everything okay? Why are you calling me at 3 am?"

"I was checking if you're awake," Ida said. She sounded irritated.

"Okay. Why?" I asked confused. I looked towards Y/B/F who was scrolling through their phone with wide eyes.

"You have that Q&A event tomorrow. Or did you forget? Again," I felt my eyes widen at my manager's words.

"Holy- Sorry? What was that? You're breaking up. Text me," I said quickly before hanging up. I sighed and felt that my eyes were a bit heavy. Maybe I should hit the hay.

"OH MY FREAKING GOD! LOOK Y/N/N! LOOK!" Y/B/F exclaimed shoving their phone in my face. I grabbed their phone and looked at what was so life-altering. Holy shit. It's Brigette. They read my book. I heard a scream and it took me a while to register that it was me who screamed.

They tweeted about my book. The tweet read:

Who put crack in The Virus? Because holy crap, it's so good. Good job, Y/N

My heart fluttered at their words and for a second I felt something that I haven't felt in a while. Butterflies. But at the moment it felt like overgrown moths. But no, it couldn't be that. I'm straight. I like men. I think.

"Y/B/F, I need to get to bed. I have a Q&A tomorrow," I said as I stood and stretched. I let out a grunt of satisfaction.

"Okay, I want to finish an episode of The Good Doctor. I know this house, I'll sleep in one of the guest bedrooms," they said as they changed the show.

"Don't stay up too late. Good night," I greeted. Y/B/F grunted in response as their show started playing. I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs. My legs felt like lead, but my heart soared so high.

𝐔𝐍𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 || 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘤Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon