Protecting the cupcakes

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A/N: This chapter features a swear word;Yoongi finally woke up.


Jin stood there protecting the cupcakes, while you were passed out on the cold wet pavement.

"Jin, what are you doing?"Namjoon's voice called out, snapping him back to reality.

Jin shook his head, figuring out what
his priorities should be.He quickly put down the bags on the road and rushed down to you.He scooped you up in his arms.

Running back to the car,he noticed that Namjoon had also gotten out of the car and was now standing outside in the rain wearing the dumbest most confused expression he had ever seen .Jin didn't have time to answer his question though, no, he didn't even have the clarity of mind to explain anything at the moment.

He opened the doors of the middle seats,where the makneas were sitting He quickly ushered Jungkook out as he squished in with Jimin and Tae with you still in your arms.He met Jungkook's confused and  panicked eyes and said two words,"Kookie,drive."

Jungkook,looked at Jin like a young soldier looks at his general.With a nod of understanding,he quickly got in the driver's seat.

But just before,he could start driving."Wait!!"yelled Jin.

The worldwide handsome man who was soaked to his bones ran out of the car and made a bee-line to where he placed the bags full of food.Even your unconscious self(if it could) had to give him credit for that.He was taking this 'protect the cupcakes' thing very seriously.

However,that credit would be undeserved because in the very next moment, he almost threw them in the back seat next to Hobi and a sleeping Suga.

Jin got into the car cramming into the already small space of the middle row.Droplets of water fell from Jin and your drenched bodies, soaking the car seat.He made eye contact with Jimin and Tae for a second and saw various shades of confusion and panic in their eyes.

Their eyes were pleading for a explanation of some kind,but right now the only thing on his mind was you.

He circled his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him till you were basically sitting on his lap.Jin looked you over to check for any injuries, releasing a sigh of relief when he found none.He softly rested your head on his broad shoulders.

'she's ok.she's ok please let her be fine.'he chanted in his mind.

In mere seconds,all the overwhelming happiness he felt at finally finding you was replaced with mind-numbing dread and fear of losing to you.

This was supposed to be a off day,a day of rest, instead Jin felt more stressed then ever.

Jimin who was sitting right next to you looked scared and very weirded out by his hyung's behavior.Jin wasn't the kind of a man who would feel so comfortable touching a unknown woman so affectionately.He eyed you suspiciously, trying to remember if he had ever seen before.His memory told him no,he hadn't.He was really confused and your limp body wasn't  stopping his anxious thoughts which ventured towards the worst possibility.

Timidly he placed two of his fingers on your neck to feel for a pulse.

He gasped.

And squished himself more into Tae, trying to get as far away from you as possible.

"What?"Jin asked.

"She doesn't have a pulse"Jimin whispered.

Even though he whispered it, everyone in the car heard him,minus Suga because he was sawing logs in the back.

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