Giant Moron

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Your Pov†

Never thought that I would do something like this.If anyone would see me like this ,they are either gonna be shocked or would report me to the police.My actions definitely state that I'm a killer.

And why won't they after all I'm dragging this muscle bunny with his legs more like I'm dragging a dead body and planning to bury or hide it somewhere but sadly I can't do it because he is alive.Yes he is alive ,I don't know if I should be happy that he is alive and I don't have to go to jail or sad that I've to bear his pervert ass for two years.

It would've been so much better if he was in a coma for two years but it's really inhuman of me to think that so I dropped the idea.But it was a good idea right?

A loud gasp left my lips as his head hit the corner of the couch as I was busy dragging him.I quickly dropped his legs and bent down to check his head and sighed in relief that it's not bleeding.

But oh god it's gonna hurt when he'll be awake and what am I going to say.He is drunk so maybe he wouldn't remember a shit.I really hope or else I'll be dead for sure considering his psycho behavior. 

I again started dragging him and that's really tiring.I stopped in front of the staircase and stared at his unconscious body then the stairs.How am I supposed to take him to the bedroom?

If I drag him upstairs by legs then his head is going to hit at each step then he might go into a coma for sure.I facepalmed myself while trying to think something but gave up because I had only one option left, to carry him on my back.

I did a little stretching before carrying him on my back.Couple of curse left my mouth as I somehow managed to carry him on my back.I regret not joining would've been easier.I step the first stair while tightly holding his legs between my arms.( Idk how to explain 😭 just imagine him giving piggy back ride)

I slowly and carefully crossed half stairs and by the time my face turned red and legs already shaking.If I fall then it'll be our last encounter then we both will meet in heaven..nah maybe hell.

Just two more steps..I smiled widely but I was almost falling backwards.Shit shit no! I almost screamed while putting all my energy to let all the weight forward and succeed.A shaky sigh of relief left my mouth and continued stepping the stairs.

Finally I heaved out a relief after dropping him on the bed and sat on the floor , catching my breath.My eyes moved towards the couch located in his room and a sudden thought came in my head.

Freaking hell y/n ! You could've just drop him on the couch in the living room instead doing this whole climbing.You are so stupid god damnit! 

I scolded myself then looked back at Jungkook.This is because of you.I'm losing my brain cells because of you.If you were conscious right now then I would've bang your head on the wall.You ….giant moron 

I crossed my arms while glaring at his unconscious figure.His expression is so calm , squishy cheeks and pouty lips.Who will say,he is the same arrogant horny man.

My eyes travelled from his perfectly jawline to his buff chest then the arms linked with tattoos.It give me time to admire his tattoos which I find really attractive.I wonder if he ever let any girl touch him because last time I witnessed him railing the blonde with her face down ass up.Maybe it's his style..Hold the fuck up why am I thinking all this!

I got back on my feets and covered him with the blanket before stepping out of his room.I don't have an appetite to eat anymore and straight walked back into my room and without realizing I fell asleep because of exhaustion.

Jungkook Pov † 

I woke up with a massive headache and massaged my temples.I shouldn't have drunk too much.. Now I don't even remember what exactly happened last night and how I even came here? Beside it my head is hurting like hell as if something hard hit my head.Maybe I bump into the door or something while coming back home.

I got off the bed and head downstairs.Maids were already in the kitchen so I asked them to bring me a glass of water.I sat on the couch and just then the maid came but let out a small gasp which confused me.

"Mr.Jeon , what's wrong with your forehead?Did you put oint— She was cut off by your walking figure towards them.

"Can you prepare breakfast for us?" She nodded at your words and went back into the kitchen.

"So do you remember what you did last night?" You asked nervously but he shook his head.

"So you came home completely wasted and was stumbling on your way ,I even asked to help you but you pushed me away and while walking you slipped and hit your head on the table.I somehow managed to take you to your room.You should be grateful, I'll apply ointment on your wound" You exclaimed and walked back to find the first aid kit.

Jungkook stared at your back suspiciously.Something about your sudden change in behavior makes him doubt and even wonder if you are behind his wound on head.

He walked back into his room and checked his appearance in the mirror.His eyes widened seeing the visible red patch on his forehead.No wonder why it's hurting too much.

"There you are" He turned around to face the person who he doubt.She signalled him to sit on the bed and he did not bother to break eye contact which made her nervous.

She gently applied ointment on his forehead but Jungkook's mind wasn't at peace.He noticed her every slight movement and grew more confused.

"I know what you did last night" He exclaimed, causing her to drop the cotton which land on his lap.He arched his eyebrow and looked straight into her eyes.He was just trying to figure out if his doubt is correct or not and her reaction made it obvious.

"W-what do you mean? What did I do?" She stammered on her words.

He pulled her into his lap earning a gasp from her."Playing innocent,are we?" She gulped while her brain tried to come up with an excuse.

"I don't know what you a-are talking about" She looked away trying to act cool but heart is beating insanely in her chest.

"Hmm so I should show you what you exactly did" He smirked, causing her to quickly get off his lap and look at him with shock written all over her face.

"You can't hit me with a pan! I didn't even try to touch you so you can't" She panickedly exclaimed.Jungkook looked her dead in the eye.So she hit me with a freaking pan and had the audacity to lie..

He got off the bed and walked towards her causing her to instantly step back but not until her back came in contact with the mirror.Shit y/n you are dead today!

She tried to step aside but he trapped her between his arms making her internally whine.

"So what should I do to take my revenge Mrs.Jeon?" He said before moving dangerously close to her.The tone of his voice sent shivers down her spine.

"Hit me with a pan" She mumbled.He suppressed his laugh at how cute and stupid she looked."I won't do that" He said softly.

"Look I apologise for hitting you" She said, trying to look bold but the proximity between them made her nervous.

"I'll forgive you at one condition" He exclaimed and she looked up at him with ceased brows.

"And that is?" She asked hesitantly.

"Kiss me on the lips" 

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