7v18 Confrontation

Start from the beginning

The leader of this group, called Jackalope, entered the War Zone alone. Of course, the Clan didn't mean to harm him in fear of agitating the group. Bren hoped to adopt a non-inflammatory dialogue, but...

"Business with you? Why would you assume that we would NOT have business with you?"

"Because... we haven't done anything to you guys. We're just trying to-"


Bren's explanation was cut short by Jackalope's maniacal shout.

"YOU!... have teamed up on the weak! You are despicable! Do you know what we are called?"

"Uh... no."

"We are the Justice Warroirs!"

Jackalope proudly held up a sign that said "Warroirs" in a flashy cyan.

"We fight who they are unjust! And YOU! Have teamed up on the weak! So WE! Will have to destroy you!"

The Clan was speechless and immediately began sending private messages to each other.

*>Liuzhi: This guy's lost it. Where did he even get that sign?*

*>Allux: Of course he has, they've even misspelled their own name.*

*>Kenshi: Let's just kill him?*

*>Adverse: I'm not against that suggestion, but there are 17 people behind him.*

*>Molotov: You counted them?*

After processing the events that took place, Bren cleared his throat and spoke again.

"Sorry, but we would really like to avoid a fight."

"No, no. You do not understand the Warroir creed. We have witnessed unjustness, so we will take you down!"

"... is there really no way around this?"

"Of course not! Hmph! When I was a very young boy-"

*>Brent: Melees, charge. Ranged units, fire.*

The second Bren sent the command, Jackalope was pelted with 4 pellets and was whacked 6 times by sticks. Before he could properly react, his HP bar rapidly dropped to zero and his corpse fell onto the ground, dissipating into white light and mist.

Bren wasted no time - he immediately issued a declaration of war.

"I don't want to hear your backstory. If you've already decided to attack us, bring it on."

With the leader of the Warroirs immediately taken down, the rest of the group seemed deterred for a few moments.

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