Ch. 2 Questions

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Aimeeyost is my first Voter! Thank you so much :D you have no idea what this means to me! I never even thought someone would read this!


“Cub, Or Double-O-Nothing as you like to call me,” They all gasped as Eagle screeched “CUBBIEKINS” Alex walked upstairs and after they were sure he was out of sight K-Unit all scrambled over to his fridge and saw that he had fresh groceries and were wondering how, because didn’t he just come back from a mission? “Huh..” Eagle voiced their thoughts. 

Meanwhile, Alex was packing all the necessities in his black duffel bag. As soon as he was done, he glided down the stairs and into the kitchen without anyone noticing him until he cleared his throat, making K-Unit jump and close the fridge and any cupboards that they had opened. They turned around and faced Cub. “I’m ready, let’s go,” he said seemingly not distracted that he had just found all of K-unit snooping around in his cupboards and fridge.
Wolf was driving them to the military camp, whereas Snake was still trying to get a look at Alex’s injuries. He wasn’t doing so well at it. Fox was sitting quietly in the front passenger seat of the range rover, while Eagle was shrieking at Fox who was trying to read his book in peace, without a distraction but it wasn’t going very well… 
Eagle finally gave up on Fox and turned to Cub who snake was still trying to tend to. 
“Wait, if you were like 16 when you first stayed with us, that means that you should be around 19 years old... Correct?” 
The hyper eagle jumping around in his seat demanded
“Uh not exactly” Alex replied while still trying to swat Snake away. 
“Wait then how old are you?” Fox urges “Classified” Eagle starts to plead “Pretty pleaseee” They arrived at the military camp and Cub jumped out of the car. He starts to walk away shaking his head while K-unit watch and question exactly how old he is in their heads. After a few minutes of just sitting in their thoughts, Eagle got out of the car and greeted everyone he walked past, even though he had seen them just the day before. Someone he didn’t recognize walked past him so he stopped abruptly, causing the rest of the unit to bump into him. “Hey, who is that?” He questions the group “Woah really Eagle doesn’t know someone here” Fox remarks “No but seriously who is it?” they all take a good look and agree that none of them know. “He doesn’t look like a new recruit?” Snake stated while looking at the man with a confused look. They all stood there for a while until Cub went up to them and snapped them out of their trance

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