Part 7: Who ya gonna call?

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The next day after school ended, Shaggy met with Rose again, Scooby and Velma went back to hang out at HQ and Fred took Daphne out for a picnic at the beach.

At the Headquarters Velma and Scooby spoke about Shaggy.

"He is obsessed with Rose." Scooby rolled his eyes. Velma looked hurt by this.

"I mean- they're just 'rends" Scooby continued.

"It's fine Scooby, I know Shaggy likes her." Velma smiled, petting Scooby.

Meanwhile, Shaggy and Rose hung out at Rose's house.

"Okay what is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?" Rose asked.

"I once got chased by a Zombified Human Chicken.. and I was scared." Shaggy replied.

"Well that's not that bad, I'd be scared too." Rose laughed. "Do the gang mind you being out tonight, if you have a mystery I don't mind." She continued.

"Nope! No mysteries. Scooby is hanging with Velma, Fred and Daphne are at the beach. Everything is good!" Shaggy smiled.

Back at HQ, Velma and Scooby chatted about how it was good to have a day off from solving mysteries. Then the phone rang.

Velma got up to answer it "Closed today-!" She slammed the phone down but it rung again. She picked it up.

"Sorry about that.. It's Velma speaking" She picked up a note beside the phone that said 'READ TO CALLER!' at the top. She read it out.

"Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night.. do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic..? If so, don't wait another minute Mystery Incorporated is here to help..?"

"Yes uh.. there's been a ghoul that's haunting my mansion in Coolsville Hills, could you investigate?" The caller said.

"No. I mean-! Tomorrow, we will investigate tomorrow as we're uh- short staffed today."

"That's fine." The caller hung up. Velma turned to Scooby.

"Did you have anything to do with the ghostbusters quote?" She asked.

"Roastrusters?! No that was Raggy." He exclaimed.

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