Part 4: TV, Ice Cream and Tears

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After walking Rose home, Shaggy made his way back to Headquarters.

"Raggy! Where the hell where you?" Scooby exclaimed.

"I told you man I was with Rose." Shaggy replied.

"We had to rolve the rystery without you!" Scooby shouted.

"Relax dude, Rose is nice! Look, I'm sorry I didn't help you guys but I'm not that much help anyway. A few mysteries without me won't be that difficult."

Fred, Velma and Daphne took this in and engaged looks with eachother.

"It's fine Shaggy." Velma smiled before walking to the lab. Shaggy felt guilty, he felt as if he should make it up to Scooby.

"Like Scoob, you wanna go get some ice cream?" Shaggy asked.

"Wice Cream? Mmm-mmm!" Scooby licked his lips.

"Hey Fred, can we take the van to the ice cream place?" Shaggy shouted over to Fred.

"Yeah that's fine." Fred replied.

Shaggy and Scooby walked over to the garage and got into the Mystery Machine. Shaggy started it up and drove down to the Ice Cream place. Meanwhile, Velma and Daphne were back at headquarters chatting about Shaggy and Fred in the lab. Fred was watching TV in the lounge.

"Me and Shaggy finally get close and then this Rose girl comes to town." Velma complained to Daphne.

"Shaggy will get over her. I'm telling you, he'll realise you're the one eventually." Daphne comforted her.

"I hope." Velma smiled. "How's things with Fred?" She continued.

"I don't know. I feel like he cares about Mystery Inc more than me. There's more to life than just unmasking creeps." Daphne sighed.

In the lounge, Fred watched the local news.

"Tonight on Coolsville News. The Mayor plans on renovating the towns playground. A woman discovers an entrance to the old Coolsville Caves, and Mystery Inc unmask another criminal, but some ask whether the detective team are falling apart due to the absence of one of their most beloved members, Norville Rogers. '#MysteryInc' is now trending on Cheeper." The News anchor read from a script.

"Hey! Daphne, Velma we're on the news!" Fred jumped from the couch and looked around.

"Guys?" He stood there confused, he didn't know they had left the room.

Velma and Daphne hugged while they both cried.

"I just feel like Shaggy doesn't care about me." Velma sobbed.

"Yeah and Fred barely pays attention to me." Daphne whined.

Fred walked into the room. Panicked, Daphne threw her shoe at his face while they wiped their tears.

"OW!" Fred yelped.

"I just came to say we're on the news." Fred said disgruntled.

"What?" Velma and Daphne said in choir.

Meanwhile at the Ice Cream place Shaggy and Scooby shared a giant Ice Cream Sundae.

"Velma is upset at you." Scooby told Shaggy while he shoved ice cream in his face.

"Wait- what?" Shaggy suddenly stopped eating.

"She thinks you're gonna leave Mystery Inc.." Scooby gulped down his ice cream.

"I'd never!- Ow!" Shaggy yelped.

"Whats up Raggy?" Scooby asked, concerned.

"BRAIN FREEZE!" Shaggy screamed.

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