Blaze x Cirrus

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"Ah... it's so boring here..." Blaze was draped over her pillows, head propped up on her talon as she stared at the ceiling. "There's barely anything fun to do in this stupid fortress. Just eat, sleep, repeat." Blaze sighed.

The war had been raging on for over a decade now, and under orders from Glacier, the Icewing queen, she had spent most of it hiding safely in a fortress built for her. While she did like the place, and the safety it provided, Blaze was starting to get bored of it, with nothing to do other than speak with the other Sandwings in the fortress, and play the occasional card game with them.

She wasn't even allowed to have a little 'fun' with her Sandwings! According to Glacier, it was 'extremely undignified', and 'completely unbefitting of a future queen'. Stupid aristocratic rules, that was what Blaze thought of that. She wouldn't nearly be as bored as she was if she could have a little romp with a fellow dragon every once in a while.

Blaze sighed again.

Maybe she should go take a walk. She'd been laying about all day, and as much as she would love to continue doing that, it wouldn't be good for her body. Her lean, lithe figure was her pride and joy, and she would sooner die than gain even an extra pound of weight.

Getting up, Blaze walked toward her door, heading into the hall outside. There, she greeted her fellow Sandwings as she walked by, occasionally stopping to chat for a bit.

When she passed by Ocotillo, the guard had some news to give.

"Your Majesty!" He said. "We have received word from Queen Glacier that a delegate is arriving soon to deliver information."

"Oh!" Blaze gasped. "Well, I better go prepare for that! Have to look my best, of course. See you later, Ocotillo!"

Waving goodbye, Blaze hurriedly went back to her room to fix herself up. There, she redid her makeup, making sure she looked as youthful and pretty as possible. She also replaced her jewelry, switching out her amber earrings for ruby ones, and put on a sapphire necklace instead, as Icewings liked the colour blue. She then took off the cloak she was wearing, as she didn't want any part of her body hidden.

As she admired herself in the mirror, Blaze was confident she could charm the Icewing delegate this time. Due to the Icewing's cold personalities, she had made it a challenge to charm and impress the Icewings who came by, but unfortunately had no successes so far. This time though, as Blaze winked at herself, swaying her hips a bit, she was sure she could get the Icewing delegate staring, and maybe a little more if she laid on the seduction.

Blaze giggled to herself. Glacier said she wasn't allowed to fool around with Sandwings, but she didn't say anything about Icewings! She just had to actually seduce one first, that's all.

Speaking of which, she wondered who the delegate would be this time. She hoped it wasn't Froststorm. He was cute, sure, but he was so rude, and didn't respond to her advances at all! Maybe that Reindeer would come by again. He was a fair bit younger than her, but he was already taller, with a handsome snout and well-sculpted legs. If he came by, Blaze was sure she could get him into bed, since the last time he was here she was definitely winning him over.

Or maybe Moose would be the one. Blaze sighed dreamily to herself as she remembered the older Icewing. He was at least fifty years old, and was even bigger than Glacier, the largest dragon she knew. He wasn't as handsome as Reindeer, but he still had very rugged good looks, with a strong jawline, an imposing looking face, and a certain hardness in his eyes that riled Blaze up whenever she thought of it. Moose's body was equally impressive as well, with huge, well-defined muscles all over, and large, rough talons that could wrap around Blaze easily, that could pin her down as he ravaged her with his almost certainly massive member. The Sandwing princess let out a heated breath, already feeling herself getting wet just from her daydreaming. Yes, she definitely hoped it would be Moose who came by this time around. She was confident she could seduce the large Icewing, as she remembered him telling her that he was interested in exotic things one time. And fucking a Sandwing princess was surely exotic.

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