Fem!Deathbringer x Addax

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"Ugh, I hate the desert." Deathbringer complained as the blistering evening sun beat down on her. The Nightwing assassin flew quickly over the desert as she headed toward one of the camps Burn's soldiers were stationed at.

"I don't know why Morrowseer keeps giving me assignments here," she continued. "I'm almost 100% sure he knows how much I hate the sand! Though that's probably why he keeps doing it." She added bitterly. 

A couple days ago, Deathbringer was tasked by Morrowseer to assassinate a troublesome Sandwing general by the name of Sandstorm. She was told that he was currently resting in a camp near Burn's stronghold after a tough battle, so she headed there first. Unfortunately though, the few days she had spent travelling were some of the hottest days she had ever experienced in her life, and her water rations were going down quickly as a result of it. This was why Deathbringer was flying as fast as she could, so she could reach the camp before she ran out of water.

"I knew I should have listened to Morrowseer's lectures on how to survive in the desert!" The Nightwing thought. "At least I'm almost to the camp, though." Deathbringer dropped down as it came into view, flying low so she wouldn't be spotted. As she drew closer, she eventually stopped flying and started to walk instead, so her wingbeats wouldn't be heard. 

A few minutes later, the assassin finally arrived at the camp. She hid carefully behind some rocks, drawing her wings in to make herself as small as possible. She then slowly peeked out, in order to analyze the security of the place.

The camp was small, with around 7 tents for the soldiers, and one larger tent for gatherings, Deathbringer guessed. She counted at least 8 soldiers, with Sandstorm inside one of the tents, meaning that there were at least 9 dragons inside the camp. Deathbringer raised an eyebrow at the lack of dragons. The battle must have been tougher than she originally thought. 

Deathbringer noticed that there were only two dragons that patrolled around the camp, and that they took roughly 1 minute to complete a full circle. More than enough time for her to slip in undetected, Deathbringer thought with a smirk.

Her analysis complete, Deathbringer got ready to infiltrate the camp. She waited until the two Sandwings patrolling were out of sight, then silently made her way to the entrance. After slipping in, she headed toward Sandstorm's tent, which she guessed was the one with the golden markings on them. Unfortunately though, as she drew nearer she saw that there was a guard standing right outside the tent, meaning she couldn't kill Sandstorm without taking him out first. Deathbringer growled in frustration.

"It just couldn't be easy for once, could it?" She muttered. The Nightwing moved silently to a different position as she studied the guard. He was muscular, obviously, with strong arms and legs. He looked to be around 20 years old, as he still had a bit of youth present on his face despite being an adult. He also was tall enough for Deathbringer to only reach his neck halfway, even though she herself was taller than average. One detail that stood out to her however, was how handsome the Sandwing was. Handsome enough for Deathbringer to almost drool at the sight of him. 

"Hot damn," she thought as a smirk formed on her face. "That guy's almost as good looking as I am!" Deathbringer then blushed slightly as a dirty thought suddenly crossed her mind.

"Should I seduce him?" She considered. "I haven't tried to in a while, but I've been feeling pretty pent up lately. It will definitely be more fun then knocking him out, that's for sure." Deathbringer thought about it for a few more moments, before looking back at the guard, checking him out. "Yup. That settles it, I'm seducing him. Probably going to regret it later, but there's no way I can resist a bod like that.

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