“Now, I’ll give you a quick rundown of this ship. I’m sure you can tell by now that this is no longer an ordinary cruise ship. We’ve made some changes to ensure we provide you with all the support you need. Each floor has its own security and healthcare professionals, such as officers, a doctor and nurse, two counsellors and three floor leaders, whom you can direct any questions, concerns or requests. We have four main dining areas and a buffet that serves three meals a day. We ask that you ration food as much as possible as we still have much more time here and food and supplies are delivered from outside sources every two weeks. Two hospital carriers follow alongside in the convoy for any emergencies that your floor doctor can’t handle alone. The stores and gift shops on the eighth floor have been converted to suit your needs. On that level you’ll now find the following: an all-faiths chapel; a survivor support group meeting room; a non-profit run store where you’ll find clothes that have been donated; and …” he paused, clearing his throat before finishing his sentence, “an orphanage.”

My tears began to flow heavily then, the horror of what had happened becoming clearer the further we sailed away from it. Perhaps I’d been too close to the heartache before, too intrenched in it, to see the bigger picture. But as I sat there, surrounded by others who had been saved, the enormity of what had happened to us was starting to form. And it was devastating.

“As I mentioned,” Bill continued. “Our aim here is to keep you safe. We must not forget that we are a huge collective of military and medical personnel, volunteers and survivors from around the world. The reality is that we are a huge target for further terrorist attacks. If you see or hear anything suspicious, please report it to your floor leader or another official immediately. And lastly, we ask that all physically abled people do what they can to help keep the ship clean, sanitary, and running. Anyone who wants to volunteer is welcome to.”

I knew I would volunteer. If I was going to spend the next five weeks stuck on a ship, I needed to do something with my time – keeping myself busy would help ease my pain.

“That’s enough information for now,” Bill said. “I don’t want to add to what must be a very overwhelming day for you. If you have any questions, myself and your floor leaders will be here for the next hour to help in any way we can. As for finding your rooms, those will be assigned before the day is out. If you would like to share a room with friends or family, we have forms here for you to make your request. We’ll do everything we can to place you together.”

He stepped down from the stage and was immediately bombarded by people asking questions. Soon, a line had formed for people wanting to request to share a room with loved ones, and Jo, Lea, Skye and I joined it hoping the four of us could bunk together.

We were about to reach the front when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Morris, an urgent expression on his face. He tilted his head to the right, gesturing for me to move aside to talk privately.
“Sorry,” I said to Jo. “I gotta go take care of something. Can you put my name down to share with you?” Jo shot me a confused look, but nodded. “I’ll explain later,” I said before stepping out of the line and meeting Morris in the hallway.

“Commander Renner is on his way over to meet you,” he said. “You need to come with me.”

I followed him through the ship, gauging the full scope and size of it as we walked by lounges, restaurants, outdoor areas full of leisure activities, a library, cafes, and much more. Some places, like a casino we passed, were closed, while others were being run by volunteers. More volunteers walked the halls, some chatting to survivors while others rushed by on their way somewhere.

“How many survivors are here?” I asked as we cut through a bustling dining room. Even though we were on a holiday cruise ship, it was very clear that no-one here was on vacation. Every single person looked worn, tired and full of sadness. Many were injured, with cuts and bruises or bandaged arms.

Before It Fades (The Eva Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now