"Hello darling brother."

"What are you doing with me son?"

"Relax, I'm taking him out for the day with Paul's girls, and now Mick Jagger is joing us."

"Ye could've asked for permission."

"He needs it. He told me about what's going on between you and Mo. It's affecting him and most likely affecting Lee and Jason."

"I know. Which is what I have been meaning to ask. Is it alright if me and Lee stay with you for a bit?"

"Richie. Of course you two can. Bella would love the company of both you and Lee."

"Thank you so much. Would tonight be okay?"

"Yes! Just call George to let him know and set up for you two."

"Thanks, have fun with Zak, and behave yerselves, Zak is in charge of both Mick and you, I know what ye like." He laughs.

"Everything alright? That was a long call." Paul asks me.

"Yeah all good!" I say as I pick up Stella to leave.

"So how's everyone then?" I ask Mick as I put the key in the ignition. "Oh you know, Keith, Charlie and everyone." He chuckles. "Where are we going?" Heather asks. "Honestly? I don't know." I laugh.

We drive for a while until we stop next to a park that had a fair. "What about that?" Mick asks. "yeah!" The kids all say and Stella just puts her toy in her mouth.

We park the car and head to the fair. It was great fun, I got to catch up with Mick and the kids had a great time. Mick even won me a teddy bear on one of the games. "For your daughter, tell her it's from uncle Mick who she hasn't met yet." He glared at me. "okay okay, you win, you can meet her next week. How does that sound?" I say. "splendid." Mick smiles and then turns around to chase Zak.


We ended up spending all day at the fair and soon it was getting dark.

"Shit shit shit!" I shout as the try to turn on the car, which doesn't work. "Leelee don't swear." Zak orders. "Sorry love." I rest my head on the steering wheel. "How about we just find a hotel ey? I can call someone to fix it." Mick offers and places his hand on my back. "Okay." I sigh. We all get out and walk to the nearest hotel.

"Uhhh do you have any rooms that all of us can fit in?" Mick asks the receptionist while she looks at us. Two adults and four kids. "Yes, here's the key." She placed it on the desk. I reluctantly let Mick pay and we all head up to the room.

"I'll put the kids to bed, would ye mind calling Rich and Paul to let them know the kids won't be home tonight?" I say. I put the kids to bed telling them all a bedtime story. I told them about my 20th birthday at the pool party which made them all laugh.

"Hi I'm back-" I suddenly stop to finally realise that there is only one double bed. "Yeah, she thought we were a couple. She's obviously not a fan ahaha." Mick laughs nervously while he gets into his PJ's. I quickly walk over to the mini bar and grab one of those small bottles of alcohol, not even reading what it is. "Woah, you okay? You're only sharing a bed with me." He says as he walks over to me attempting to take the alcohol off me. "Sorry....I'm just stressed. This is my first night away from Bella where I'm conscious and aware of reality."

"It's okay Elsie. I called George for ya, he's just glad you're safe. Come on, I'll drink with you." Mick reassures me.

A few drinks in and we both begin to feel tipsy. The kids were in a separate room, and we seem to not be disturbing them with our laughs. "Hey how are you all with the whole Brian thing?" I ask. "It's still hard even though it has been a few years, but we are getting by. How are you with your whole Brian thing?" He asks in return. "I still miss him. We weren't even that close but I miss him the most out of everyone. I just know he would have adored Arabella." I say as I down another mini bottle of alcohol.

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