[book 2] chapter five: the end of the summer solstice

Start from the beginning

I flailed my arms in agreement even though she couldn't see me. "That's what I said!"

"You can't let this happen," Brenton added.

"No child of mine is getting married right now, whatsoever," she said firmly. "We will discuss this tomorrow." There was a beeping sound and the line died.

"Got any plans tomorrow?" Brenton asked me.

I shook my head. "Looks like my day just became free."

Niko was going to be beyond pissed, but I considered this to be tough love. We were just looking out for our brother and trying to help him avoid making the biggest mistake of his life. On that note, I exited the bathroom to let my stinky twin shower. How I managed to breathe in his funk for that long I do not know. When I entered my room, Niko was sitting on my bed, his eyebrows raised.

"Jeez, you scared me!" I gasped, placing a hand on my chest.

"Where you two always this disturbingly close, or is this a new development?"

"I'm just looking out for my little brother," I said with a wave of my hand. "So..." I really didn't want to inquire about his newfound love, but I had to make Niko think I was on his side before he faced Mom's wrath tomorrow. "How did you two meet?"

He fell back on my bed, a dopey grin on his face. "Remember how I started working as an Assistant Instructor for those cooking classes?"

I nodded my head as I sat at the foot of my bed. After Niko graduated in the spring of last year, he dropped the bomb on our mother that he no longer wanted to pursue a law degree. She was so keen on Niko following her footsteps, so you could imagine how heartbroken she was to find out the thousands of dollars she had invested in his undergraduate law program was all for nothing. 

After a summer of consistent fighting and screaming, they came to the agreement that Niko could take a year off to explore his options, and if he didn't decide on something that satisfied Mom, he would have to apply to law school. During that time, my brother needed some cash, so he started working as an Assistant Instructor for some culinary classes at Penbrooke. With him being a prodigy of a chef, it seemed like a smart way to make some income for the year, especially now that the clock was ticking, and he was almost out of time to make a decision.

"Well," Niko continued. "I found someone and we fell in love."

"What's her name?" I asked.

The lovestruck smile reappeared on his face. "Vanessa. Isn't that a beautiful name?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess."

"Dani, I hope you can feel this way someday. Love is the greatest feeling in the world." He abruptly sat up. "I mean I'm sure it's how you and James feel about each other. I see those flirty eyes you make at each other."

I couldn't even keep up a fake smile. Of all my siblings, Niko was the one brother I could be totally transparent with. When I flopped on my bed and felt his presence next to me, I knew it was time to open up.

"Talk to your brother," he said as we both stared up at my popcorn ceiling. God, I hated popcorn ceilings.

"I think James is going to break up with me." You know how people say if you say how you feel out loud you'll instantly feel better? It was a lie. I felt shittier than I had since I got back to Stone Creek.

Instead of being the emotional support I needed, my stupid brother snorted. "You're delusional. The kid's in love with you."

"Then why didn't he come yesterday? And why's he ghosting me now?" I listed.

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