His stomach coiled as he thought about Carlos. He'd won the fight, but had no idea at what cost.

He carefully pulled on his slacks and buttoned them up. Sucking in a breath he bent down to put on his shoes and just as he came back up to put on his shirt the door to his locker room swung open. He cringed to see the same two goons that had visited him the night before standing in the doorway. He swallowed hard knowing damn well that only meant he was in trouble.

Carlos walked in slowly clapping his hands mockingly at Nick. "Bravo! You won the fight, Carter. Oh wait! I have nothing to fucking cheer about."

Swiftly the tallest of the goons took hold of Nick by the neck and slammed him against the lockers, a loud bang echoed through the room as the man slammed him against it again.

"I...had...to." Nick tried to speak.

Carlos scratched his chin and then signaled at the other man still in the door. The man walked out into the hallway.

"Carter...I asked you to do one thing...something that you did over and over so fucking well for the past few fights. You fucked me over!" The man let go of Nick and Carlos took advantage to punch him in the side.

Oomph. Nick went down on his knees.

"I'd kill you. But somehow I think Mark is more at fault about this for not completely convincing you. I mean he was your manager..."

"No." Nick coughed out. "He's got a family."

"You should have thought about that before you went against me." Carlos grinned.

The man returned with Mark, his hands were tied and he had tape around his mouth. Mark's eyes went wide as they pushed him down on his knees right in front of Nick, who couldn't manage to pick himself back up or look Mark in the eyes.

"You cost me half a mil...I mean who would think that a fuck up like you would still cost so much." Carlos laughed. "People are stupid! Anyways, I'm not sure exactly why you decided to win, although I think it's that little brunette you were kissing. She you're girlfriend?"

Nick nodded his head quickly. "No. She's just a girl infatuated with me. She's nobody."

"I've seen you two together before. She trained with you."

Nick was annoyed with the thought of someone watching him all those days. "She's just a roommate."

"Well, I want to confirm that your telling me the truth. So, I've invited myself and my friends to your after party. Thought I'd ask her myself about your little romantic moment. You better not be lying to me or else."

After those words everything flashed before Nick's eyes. Carlos took a gun from the tall man and aimed it at Mark's head. Nick heard Mark's muffled screams. Nick shouted at Carlos to leave him alone, but in response blood splattered everywhere including Nick's face as the gunshot resonated throughout the locker room. Carlos pursed lips and forcefully took hold of Nick's chin  to make eye contact with him.  

Nick could see the anger in his eyes. . "If the little brunette is anything important to you, you'll be covered in her blood next. No one fucks with me, Carter."

With shaky hands Nick swiped at his face and flinched when he saw the puddle of blood pooling around Mark.

"Well don't just sit there...change your clothes. Can't go to your party all covered in blood." He gave the other two men a nod. "Clean this up!"


Nick arrived in Carlos' black Navigator with two different goons. They walked out of the truck and Nick posed for a few pictures and signed a few autographs. When he entered he was greeted by Brian and AJ who were already on the tipsy side. They seemed to be having a good time and Nick was happy for them. With a wave he walked further into the club and found Howie with the group of wives and Maxine.

Howie quickly stood up and took Nick by the arm and dragged him away from everyone else. Nick turned to look for Carlos but he was nowhere in sight. He sighed knowing what was coming from Howie now.

Would this night ever come to an end?

They snuck into an office and Howie wasted no time. "I could stand here and give you another one of my lectures." he paced. "But it's your night and I think my daughter is in love with you."

Nick's eyes widened. "That can't be."

"That's what I wish. She's determined to stay here with you. She doesn't want to leave you alone."

Mark's face flashed through Nick's mind along with Carlos' menacing words. Nick took a deep breath and ran his hand over his face. "I can't let her stay here. You have to take her with you."

"What?" Howie was puzzled at Nick's reaction. "I...you...I thought you felt the same way for her, Nick?"

"Yeah, I can see where she would get that idea, but...well...it's not that way. Actually, I was hoping that you would take responsibility and take her home with you. Quite frankly I want to be alone."

Howie narrowed his eyes at Nick. "What's going on? I don't believe you."

"I care a lot about Max and I...I don't want her to get hurt. If she stays here she is bound to get into some trouble. You were right all along...I'm nothing but trouble and I've managed to get myself into some shit and if you don't take your daughter they are going to hurt her."

"You're serious." Howie looked at Nick concerned. "Well...you should come with us. What's it about? Can I help?"

Nick nodded as his eyes fell upon the tiled floor. "No. No one can help me. I owe some people some money and..." He was tempted to tell Howie about Carlos and how Mark had been killed right in front of him, but he didn't have the courage. It frightened him to think that Maxine could end up just like Mark.

This left him with no other choice. He felt a knot clog up his throat as he thought about being without Maxine and how what he would do tonight would hurt her.


"I promise that I would never hurt Max intentionally. Just please don't hate me for whatever happens tonight. Don't hold it against me."

Howie wanted to help Nick; except he knew that the man was stubborn and wouldn't accept his help. So he just nodded in response. They both turned around when the door slowly opened and Nick half smiled when he saw Maxine's head peaking into the room.

"Thank God you two aren't killing each other." She giggled.

"I'm gonna go back with Leigh." Howie quickly left the room.

Maxine looked up at Nick with concern. "Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Max. We need to talk."

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