Lost Partner

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A/N: Natasha Romanoff defected from S.H.I.E.L.D. on a mission. Clint Barton is an Avenger, but was on the mission when Natasha left. He asked her to stay (picture above), but she refused. The Avengers have no idea who Natasha Romanoff is and her relationship with Clint. 

Nick Fury looked to the gathered Avengers as they settled down on the helicarrier's main room. Tony rolled his eyes, as usual, Steve glanced around to the other team members, Bruce was remaining calm, and Thor was... Thor. Clint entered last, sulking, and settled silently into the empty chair. 

"I have a mission for you," Fury announced. He tapped the screen and a woman with short red hair appeared. Her eyes were bright green and she wore a S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform with two pistols at her waist. Clint visibly sat up, grey eyes shining with unsaid questions. His lips formed a single word that he mouthed, not saying anything. Natasha. "This is ex-agent Natasha Romanoff. She left the agency under one of our best agent's watch," Fury said looking very pointedly at Clint. He glared back. 

"Anyway, she's been spotted in a gala in France. Tonight," Fury continued. "Bring her back alive for appropriate punishment and possible reinstatement in S.H.I.E.L.D. A Quinjet is waiting for you in the hangar. Leave in two hours and be prepared for any situation Romanoff can throw at you. Remember, bring her back no matter what." Clint froze and stood up before pulling Fury aside. 

"I won't let you do this," he growled. Fury swiftly pushed the furious agent aside and replied coldly. 

"It's not your decision, Agent Barton," the director said and turned to leave once again. 

"Let me bring her in myself," Clint asked desperately. "She left because she didn't want anything like this to happen to her. You're just gonna bring Natasha back to her days at the Red Room. She'll panic and run and you won't find her again."

"No, Barton," Fury said icily. "We all know what happened last time you were on a mission with that woman. I'm not letting another agent escape again." Clint reluctantly sighed and walked off. 

Tasha, wherever you are, he thought desperately as he grabbed his bow and quiver before he began reloading it. Run. Run away, as far as you can and never look back. I'll bury everything I feel about you to give the world to you. So run, Natasha Romanoff. Run

An hour and a half later, Clint sat in the pilot's seat of the Quinjet they were flying in. Thor walked inside, and was of course eating a pop-tart, which he washed down with a full mug of coffee. "This is very good," he proclaimed loudly as he put his earpiece in. 

"Yes, that's the point," Bruce said nervously. Each Avenger wore black suits for the gala to fit the theme. Thor was not very good at understanding the concept of a tie, so Tony settled for a clip-on bow tie for the Asgardian. Clint placed the headset over his ears and prepared the ship for takeoff. 

After a bit of waiting for the conformation, they were flying in the darkening skies over Europe. Bright white specks glimmered in the black-blue skies as they landed a bit away from a manor in the French countryside that was glowing with people. Clint slipped a knife into his shoe as Tony wrapped the Nano-tech watch around his wrist. Steve left his shield behind and carefully set it down and wrapped it in a spare cloth. 

Thor also took the same care with Mjolnir, placing it in his red cloak and kissing the hammer goodbye. "That's just... wrong," Clint decided and walked off the ship. The others followed and paused in front of the mansion. It was several stories with many balconies and an arched ceiling to fit a ballroom with a crystal chandelier. People arrived in black limousines. Women wore long, floor-length gowns with pounds of jewelry and men had way too much hair gel and over-the-top ties. 

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