They'd gone out to lunch and walk around the strip to kill time before the fight. Everyone was in the lobby when they arrived. Baylee was all decked out in his StrikeForce gear with Nick's face plastered on his chest. Which made Maxine smile.

The casino was packed with people of all ages and there were cameras and reporters everywhere. It hit Maxine that this fight was a big deal.

Maxine squinted her eyes trying to make out the familiar woman making way towards them. She was wearing a pressed gray suit and her heels clicked against the tile floor.

"Dad..." She felt a hot rush as soon as the word left her mouth. "oh...I mean...sorry."

Howie smiled, he thought the day Max would call him dad didn't really exist. That he would be Howie to her forever.

"It's ok. I am your dad."

She smiled and nodded. "Right. Well...actually I was going to ask if that's Leigh?"

They both turned to look to the side and there stood the woman she'd seen and indeed she was Leigh. Right at that moment a big guy in a tight shirt came towards Maxine.

"Are you Max?" He asked in a husky voice.

Maxine thought about answering and nodded her head. "Yes, that's me."

"Nick sent me to get you."

"Oh, ok." She smiled relieved. Then turned to face Howie who was in a deep conversation with Leigh. She shrugged opting to just follow the burly man, even though she quickly remembered the scary men from last night leaving Nick's room. 

"Are you part of Nick's crew?" She softly asked. 

He flashed his VIP pass at her that had Nick's face on it read "Security" at the top in bright yellow letters. They went through a door leaving the casino floor behind. They walked down a narrow hallway where there were a few doors. The big guy motioned her to enter the room on the right.

"Thanks!" She said and he just nodded. Carefully she opened the door and smiled when she found Nick standing there in his gear. He was wearing shorts, no shirt or shoes and fingerless gloves.

He smiled when he saw her and quickly walked up to her. "Hi"


"I'm really nervous. They said the arena is already full." He murmured fiddling with his fingers. 

Maxine ran a hand over his bare chest. "You are going to do your best. You worked so hard and I know you're going to win. I have no doubts. McGee is going down!" She hit fist to palm to emphasize. 

Nick chuckled.

Someone opened the door and they both looked up. Mark peaked his head in and shamefully gave Nick a nod.

"Hey champ! It's time for the last weigh in...let's hope you didn't gain a pound." He joked, but no one laughed.

"Alright." He turned to look at Maxine. "I gave permission that you be ringside." He opened his locker and took out a pass. Carefully he placed it around her neck. Then bent down to kiss her softly. "See you out there."

She watched him leave.


The weigh in was quick, as the two fighters weighed the same and remained eligible to fight. They glared at each other as they stood face to face shaking hands.

McGee smiled wide as he squeezed Nick's hand. "Ready for the beating of your life?" he muttered.

"I wouldn't be so sure, McGee!"

"Keep dreaming, Carter. Your ass is mine along with that title of yours."

The announcer said a few more words and the two fighters went their separate ways. Nick kept hitting his fist into his palm and letting out deep breaths, in an attempt to calm himself. Whether he was ready or not the time had come to make his decision.

Mark walked right next to him. "You were talking to him so sure about winning." He chuckled menacingly.

Nick gave him a sideways glance, "Well, what did you want me to say? Should I have let him know I'm going to throw the fight?"

"Of course not, smartass. I just feel like you're not going to go through with this." Mark grabbed at Nick's wrist and they both came to a halt right in front of the arena entrance.

Nick yanked out of his grip. I've made my decision and you're just going to have to wait to find out, Mark." He started to walk out into the arena as he heard his name blaring through the speakers. Then he turned around. "Oh and after today you're my manager and as my friend."

Mark stood speechless as Nick walked out arms raised and his game face on. His stomach twisted into nervous knot as he caught a glimpse of Carlos and his goons in McGee's side and Maxine and the rest of his friends on his.

This was gonna be quite the night.

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