12. // Im sorry

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Tw: Smoking, mentions of Anxiety, fighting


They sat on Tommy's bike. Wilbur in the front and Tommy in the back, just like old times.

Tommy really enjoyed his brother's company but was surprised that he hadn't said anything about the cigarettes. Of course, Tommy was relieved he didn't have to explain himself but wondered why Wilbur didn't even take them away.

When they arrived at their house Tommy got off the bike while Wilbur put it in the garage. When they both came inside Wilbur reached out a hand to Tommy and said "give them back now".

"I don't-" Tommy began but immediately got interrupted by Wilbur giving him the death stare. Tommy sighed and pulled out the pack from his pocket but before he handed it back to Wilbur he took out two cigarettes which he quickly put back in his pocket.

"Please-" Tommy began but got interrupted again. "This shit kills you, Tommy, I don't know if you're trying to seem cool or anything but this is dangerous!" Wilbur said and reached out his hand. "I-i know it's not fucking cool..." Tommy mumbled and handed the two white sticks back to Wilbur.

"Well? What the fuck" Wilbur said but the blonde just stayed quiet. "Why the fuck are you doing this?!" He continues to yell.

Tommy shrugs and mumbles "I have only done it like twice or something.."

"Well once a month will turn into once a week and then once a day-" Wilbur yelled but got interrupted by Tommy who finally spoke up "I'm not fucking addicted Will!! I can stop whenever I want to!"

"You know, I didn't think I could get addicted either Tom." Wilbur's voice broke and a tear fell down his cheek. "And whenever you try to stop you feel like shit" He says and wipes the tear off his cheek.

The younger boy broke down in tears and looked down at the floor as he mumbled "I-im sorry Will"


As Wilbur turned around and faced the kitchen he saw that Techno had sat there the whole time and had seen and heard everything.

Tommy had noticed him as well now and they all just stared at each other before techno raised his eyebrows "So? Anyone's gonna explain?"

Wilbur sighed and sat down next to techno by the table and Tommy did the same.

"Tom, can you please let us talk in private?" Wilbur asked and Tommy nodded and walked upstairs to his room, but stopped on the way there. He wanted to hear what Wilbur would say.

"So?" Techno said again followed by "You know that shit is bad, right?".

"I know, but..." Wilbur stopped, not knowing what to say.

"He stole my cigarettes, Techno, and I found him smoking" Wilbur sighed "When I looked In the pack after he gave It back, three were gone."

"Shit" Techno mumbled.

Wilbur looked down and started fidgeting with something. Techno could see the regret and anxiety on his face. "I really did ruin this whole family did i?"

Suddenly a few tears ran down Wilburs cheeks and Techno hugged him. He knew that Wilbur had been through a lot and at this point didn't know what to do.

"Now Tommy will develop a fucking nic addiction thanks to me. Techno I'm sorry" He said between sobs and Techno hugged him tighter.

"God, I have to pull it together" Wilbur wiped his tears, got loose from Technos grip, and ran outside, slamming the front door behind him.

Techno stood up and he could feel the pain in his head from the hangover get worse but he didn't care at all.

Techno suddenly saw how Tommy was staring at him from the stairs and gave the boy a forced smile before running outside after Wilbur.


Wilbur leaned his back against the wall of the house and got out his new pack which was now half empty. He saw how Techno walked towards him as he pulled up a cigarette. Techno walked up to his brother and also leaned on the wall.

The pink-haired boy stared at Wilbur as he put back the cigarette in the pack again and shoved it back and his pocket.

He really should try to stop, for Tommy. He would do anything to avoid Tommy getting his bad habits.

"You're not going to smoke?" Techno huffed but Wilbur just ignored the question.

"You were passed out yesterday" Wilbur said, trying to change his subject, and leaned his head against the wall. "We all have our problems don't we?" Techno answered and watched how Wilbur closed his eyes.

Suddenly they heard how the front door slowly opened and a blonde head peaked out, seeing Wilbur and techno leaning against the house. Tommy walked up to them, not knowing what to say. He just didn't want to be alone.

"Hello, Toms" Wilbur said and opened his eyes again. Tommy moved closer to him and Wilbur wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

Wilbur's phone suddenly started ringing causing everyone to get slightly jumpscared from the noise. Wilbur got his phone up but when he saw the text on the screen his face turned pale.


Tommy and Techno stood in uncomfortable silence.

Techno just had to ask why. Why Tommy had made the same mistakes as Wilbur.

"Why did you start smoking?" Techno eventually manages to ask in his usual, monotone voice. Tommy just shrugged. "I guess I'm just tired of feeling like shit" He finally answers and Techno nodds. "But it's dangerous, you know?" Techno says and Tommy answers "I know".

Finally, Wilbur comes back and breaks the silence.

"We have to go" He says dead serious.



Words: 963 

I rewrote this chapter sooo many times and I'm still not happy with it, oh well. 

Wrote this in school ahahha 

Eat something and drink some water, please! 

Love you so much <3 

(that shirt you're wearing looks really good on you!) 

Midnight Thoughts // Sleepy BoysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora