6. // Don't Go To Sleep

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Heyy! I'm sorry, i haven't been uploading, I and Marjan decided to take a break from writing due to personal reasons, but now we're back! :))

(and we have a lot planned for this fanfic hehe)



TW: Hospital, smoking, swearing.


Tommy sat on the floor, pulling Phil's unconscious body against his. He was shaking and sobbing, burying his face into Phil's shirt.

"Dad please wake up" he sobbed while shaking the body. "If this is a prank you got me, dad, it's not funny anymore, please"

He shakes Phil's body again as he hears a car pull up outside of the house and the door open.

Will and techno found a crying Tommy on the floor hugging Phil's body who almost looked dead.

"Please, help. I don't know if dad is breathing. Please help" Tommy sobs to his older brothers.

Wilbur rushes up to the boy and hugs him tightly, trying to calm him down, while techno tries to wake up Phil.

"I-is dad a-alright?" The blonde whispers into Will's chest between sobs. "I'm not sure Tom's" he answered followed by "He's going to be good I promise, okay" Trying not to make Tommy worried.

Tommy just nodded and continued to cry in his shirt.

"Techno, quick, check his pulse" Wilbur demands his brother while rubbing circles on Tommy's back, who was still crying uncontrollably.

Techno immediately puts two fingers on Phil's neck, patiently waiting for a signal that his father is still alive. His eyes start to water as he at first doesn't feel anything but they quickly thin out when Phil breathes out.

"I think that he is still breathing, b-but I'm not sure, Will call 911!" Techno replies to Will, the stress is clear in his voice.


They quietly sat in the cold waiting room in the hospital, waiting for a nurse to update them on how Phil Was. The blue plastic chairs they sat in were uncomfortable but it didn't matter.

Will was sitting next to Tommy still convincing him that everything was going to be okay.

"The people in the ambulance said that he was still alive, it's all going to be good, I promise you Tom" Wilbur says to his younger brother wiping his tears away before getting up from his chair and walking towards the exit.

"I'll be right back, take care of Tommy" He told techno and the pink-haired boy nodded.

Techno moves a seat to the left and sits beside his brother, putting a hand on his back while Wilbur walks out through the big doors on the white building.

"It's going to be good, you know?" Techno reassures his brother.


When Wilbur gets outside he takes a deep breath trying to calm himself down and leans against a wall, it wasn't easy having younger brothers that he needed to make sure was okay all the time, it took all of his energy and left nothing for him to focus on himself.

It's not easy to be a good role model for your siblings if you aren't feeling the best yourself.

Wilbur sighed and pulled out a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his jacket together with a lighter.

"What the fuck am I doing, especially when techno and Tommy need me the most", he thought while moving one of the cigarettes towards his lips and lighting it, taking a long drag.

Exhaled the gray smoke into the air, holding back his tears.

He was scared of how it would impact his brothers if anything had happened to Phil, but even more, he was scared for himself. Phil had been there for him the day that Will met him, he was always able to turn to him for advice, but what was he supposed to do now?

After all, if it wasn't for Phil he'd probably still have lived with his biological parents until he was old enough to move out.

He couldn't be left alone with his brothers, who still had their whole lives ahead of them. He didn't want to ruin their lives, he couldn't seem to make any right decisions, Wilbur chuckled and looked down at the cigarette between his fingers.

"I really am a shitty brother, am I?" He whispered to himself and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Fucking hell" he mumbled and tried the tear off his cheek before taking a last puff from the cigarette and heading back inside.

Before walking through the doors he stopped and sighed. He needed to be strong for his brothers, what the fuck was he doing?

Just when he walked back into the waiting room a nurse called out their names and led them further into the hospital.

Eventually, they reached a small room far down a corridor and the nurse opened the door. There wasn't a lot in the room beside the small metal bed that Phil was laying in.

Seeing his dad like that really broke Wilbur, Phil laid in a small metal bed, with multiple wires connected from his face and arms to a heart monitor, the screen showed his heart beating which made all three of the brothers calm down.

Tommy immediately rushed to his father and hugged him while Wilbur sat down in a chair next to him.

Techno was just standing in the door frame and staring at the man in the hospital robe.

Just then Phil opened his eyes and looked at his children.

Tommy was talking non-stop to his father about how happy he was that he was okay and Wilbur just asked some simple questions now and then.

Phil was too tired to answer all of the questions and no one noticed when Techno rushed out to the corridor, out of the hospital.


Words: 987  

Thank you so much for reading!

This was written by me and TotallyNotMajan , check her out!

Stay safe y'all

Luv u <3

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