Fifty-Five | Day Seven: The Final Day.

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the video above and let the music run throughout this chapter! :)

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the video above and let the music run throughout this chapter! :)


For the fucking life of him—Chuuya Nakahara could not seem to keep his goddamn hands off you.

Jesus Christ.

He was addicted—like a moth to artificial light, like a bee to honey, like a gambler to high stakes card games. He was addicted to the feeling of your skin beneath his fingertips, the colour of your eyes and the shape of your body. He was addicted to the strands of your [H/L] [H/C] hair. Since last night, he also could not stop thinking about the calluses on your fingers. Your effulgent smile. The absent bite of your lip.

You had him under your thumb.

If you were a drug, you would have been a class A drug without a shadow of a doubt because Lord have mercy on his soul, you were so dangerously addicting that Chuuya had found he simply could not get enough, even though you had possessed the sheer power to ruin him and destroy him and lead him down a path that would have ultimately sent him into a life of destitution.

Today was the last day of his punishment—and it was supposed to be a whole lot easier for him now that you knew the truth. You told him that you were going to stay out of his way today and go out with the girls to make sure that things ran as smoothly as possible for him, and you had every intention to stick to that plan, however—due to extenuating circumstances that were completely out of your control, that did not end up happening. It wasn't your fault, of course. Your plans were cancelled due to the horrific weather that had viciously plagued the city of Yokohama today; heavy rainfall, and not the calm and comforting kind, either, but the kind that flooded the streets and coloured the sky with a shade that resembled the very embodiment of gloom and tenebrosity. The weather didn't stop the crazy underground work environment from running like usual, though—because Higuchi, Akutagawa and the members of the Black Lizard had been tasked with the responsibility of patrolling the city to make sure that all was in order. Things usually got hectic when it rained around here—all the sleaze balls of this city came out of hiding and littered the land like fiendish little worms and slugs and snails.

You, on the other hand, had been left with nothing to do. No plans. No missions. No tasks. No paperwork that needed completing. Usually, you would enjoy that, but today was the one day where you really needed to keep yourself busy and distracted, and today just so happened to be the one day where you had been robbed of that luxury. Chuuya also had nothing to do. He was meant to be putting out fires in the west, but the dreadful weather had taken his place. Despite knowing that Chuuya was also stuck here and being extremely tempted to seek him out, you decided that it wasn't worth the risk in the end, and you were genuinely going to leave him alone for the entirety of the day because you didn't want to get him in trouble due to your foolishness, that would have just been straight up selfish, and Chuuya also had every intention to stay out of your way for the same reason, but when both of you just so happened to enter the elevator at the exact same time, and Chuuya's piercing blue eyes had flitted across your body and taken in your sexy, sexy outfit that had consisted of a short little skirt, a thin jumper, and thigh-high socks, all sense of self, composure and rationality went flying out the window like a bird that had just been let loose from its cage, and the very moment that those elevator doors closed, that man was all over you.

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