Fifteen | Cupid's Chokehold.

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter! ;)

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter! ;)


"You'll have to kiss me."

As soon as those words had finally processed in Chuuya's mind—his face fell faster than a corpse in cement boots. In that instant—his skin became as pale as a ghost, his mouth hung with lips slightly parted and his eyes were as wide as he could stretch.

K-Kiss you?

You stood there, towering over him since he was currently kneeling on the ground, with a wild smirk painting your lips and your hand sassily resting on your hip; asserting power and dominance in a situation where the current power wielder had played dirty just to get to this point.

Chuuya's breath was sucked right out of him; a plethora of thoughts madly buzzing around in his brain like a group of chaotic bees. He wasn't self-delusional enough to mistake the tightening of his muscles as anything other than a small rush of desire overwhelming him.

Fucking hell. He didn't even like this woman. You were too reckless, too crude, too witty and annoying for his liking. The only saving grace you had was your outstanding beauty, but even that wasn't enough to get him to remotely tolerate you. But all of a sudden, he was focusing on your mouth, which vexed him to no end with its endless stream of insults and opinions. It was a rare event when you actually had it zipped shut and were treating him to a mere moment of blessed silence, but in that split second where his heart had betrayed his head, all he saw were your lips, full and pouty, and—provided that you kept them shut and didn't actually speak—eminently kissable.


No! No way in hell!

Chuuya shuddered. The thought of kissing you was absolutely terrifying beyond comprehension. In fact, the mere fact that he'd taken it into consideration ought to have been enough to have him locked up in a mental asylum.

And yet...

He found himself speechless and breathless.

You slowly walked over to him, and leaned down a fraction so that you were now at his level; that seductive smile of yours not once faltering even in the slightest; the smile that could enrapture anyone and have them instantly falling at your feet without even so much as a single word leaving your luscious lips.

You stared deeply into his eyes; locking him in a trance. He had those eyes. They were blue and they looked even bluer because his hair was a fiery shade of dark tangerine. They were soulful, in some way; they seemed to say things that you knew he'd probably never say out loud. You cocked your head to the side; your sultry tongue running across the top row of your teeth, as Chuuya's eyes remained on your curled lips, unblinking, drinking in your alluring features that were being highlighted under the billowing rays of the sun casting an irradiant glow upon one half of your face.

You looked angelic.

Your hair moved in the breeze as if it felt the need to add an exclamation point to your mesmerising beauty. Chuuya was consumed. Consumed by something that he couldn't quite explain. It was like he was no longer in control of his body, and the only excuse he had to save himself from falling into the deep pools of [E/C] that were your beguiling eyes circumscribed by thick, long lashes, was that you had stolen his ability, which had hindered his own ability to actually think straight.

Or so he tried to convince himself.

You cupped your free hand over his ivory cheek; the sunlight making his skin look like golden honey, letting the cool silk slide beneath your fingertips; his face was sharp and angular, and his jaw tensed, as though he was worried that he was going to give into his desires. His lips parted, as your warm breath fanned his face.

Your chin started to tilt towards his, and oh my God, Chuuya's heart was beating so fast that he was afraid it was audible to your ears. He was deathly afraid that it was in fact you, who was willing his heart to beat in such an untimed, unrhythmic pattern. His eyes slowly fluttered closed, almost as if on command, any sense of rationality leaving his body.

And then—

Just as he was about to welcome your lips, there was a sudden pause, before you had whispered against his mouth, "sike."

You pulled away.

Chuuya's eyes immediately flung wide open as you burst into laughter. The look on his face—it was absolutely priceless, causing you to laugh even harder, to the point where you couldn't breathe. Chuuya just stared at you blankly; rapidly blinking his eyes as if to process everything that had just happened.

He was such an idiot.

And you—

You had messed with the wrong fucking man.

When you finally forced yourself to stop laughing, trying to catch your breath because you had laughed so hard that your stomach started hurting, the good kind of hurt, you noticed that Chuuya was now glaring sharp, pointed daggers at you.

"I can't believe you actually fell for that!" You snorted. "Dude, I was just messing with you. You'll get your ability back after sixty minutes, there's no way to cheat and get it earlier."

He didn't say a single word in response. His lips were pursed, his eyes narrowed, and if looks could kill, then you would have already been as good as dead by now. You had a small inclination that he was most likely planning your murder in his mind, it seemed like the only viable explanation to elucidate his sudden silence.

"You thought that was funny?" His voice was akin to the rumbling of an earthquake; pure venom extricated from the most poisonous snake known to mankind dancing in his carnivorous cerulean eyes.

"Hilarious, actually." You menacingly jibed, holding your head high and crossing your arms over your chest as you leaned back smugly.

And suddenly—when you least expected it—Chuuya abruptly shot up his arm and wrapped his gloved hand around your throat, harshly yanking your head towards his face, forcing you to stare deeply into his intense, destructive blue eyes. A small gasp left your lips, eyes widening like saucers, as he gently squeezed; your faces so close that the tips of your noses were a hair's breadth away from touching.

The sun was a dangerous bait, running slyly along the length of the two of you as you gulped.

Caged within his zealous gaze, you felt your heart beating rapidly fast in your chest, threatening to break out of your ribcage. He had the upper hand now, and you knew it. He knew it. The bee sucking the nectar from the flower next to you knew it.

"Don't you dare start something you're not willing to finish, sweetheart." Every word was laced with passionate hatred; you hadn't realised that those blue eyes of his could be such hot fire until they were burning your soul. And then he slowly unwrapped his hand from around your throat, before pushing you away, rendering you completely and utterly speechless. "If you fuck with me like that ever again, I won't hesitate to destroy you."



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