Ch.29~𝒲𝒾𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹 𝑀𝒾𝓃𝒹~

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"So, we have a serious matter to discuss," Scarlet exclaimed at our lunch table. I looked at her confused until she wiggled her eyebrows at me. Oh no."So, boobs or ass?" She asked seriously.

Like seriously, very seriously.

Both Wyatt and Oliver looked at each other weirdly before smirking as if they just had a mind telepathy thingy.

"Boobs." They both said in unison making my cheeks turn crimson and Scarlet have a satisfied smile on her face.

I swear she isn't embarrassed for anything.

"Definitely boobs," Wyatt said making me widened my eyes at him and slap him in the arm playfully. He just chuckled and dragged me to him by the neck teasingly kissing me in the forehead. My eyes darted to the entrance of the cafeteria where Cole entered.

"Oh, Cole is here," I said grabbing everyone's attention to the entrance of the cafeteria.

Wyatt simply held me tighter and Oliver raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, great, the whole Willows clan is here!" I couldn't tell if Scarlet was being sarcastic or if she was genuine. I had a feeling it was a mixture of both.

As soon as we averted our eyes away from Cole he came over and sat in his usual spot that stood empty since he wasn't here. Everyone was quiet and awkward. Oliver constantly picking on his burger while Scarlet surprisingly was quiet looking around the cafeteria as if searching for someone. Wyatt was another story, he looked unfazed just playing with a lock in my hair as he held me firmly.

This was ridiculous! Was everyone just going to ignore Cole?

I cleared my throat and sat straight and away from Wyatt's embrace. "Hey, Cole." I broke the awkwardness and talked making everyone's attentions turn to me. Cole finally looked at me with surprisingly softness embraced in them.

"Hey, Rachel." He answered almost seeming relieved that somebody talked to him. I kind of felt bad. I was extremely surprised by how he looked. he changed. He didn't seem like the cold cole but a sort of...laid back cole.

"How's life been going?" I asked hopeful to continue the conversation.

He shrugged, clenching his jaw and looking around before turning his attention back to my gaze. It made me tense a little "Relief...kind of hard. Don't know." He averted his gaze behind me which was where Wyatt sat. "Yours?" He asked as his eyes were still trained on Wyatt but eventually, his gaze came back to mine.

"Good..." I answered looking back to Scarlet who had eyes that were trying to tell me something but I couldn't catch it, so I moved my attention away towards Oliver who was looking at Wyatt and shaking his head.

I furrowed my eyebrows then looked at Wyatt who was tense behind me and had a clenched fist on the table, but what grabbed my attention was his dark eyes that were set on Cole still.

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