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    Not long after Zhang Yufei and her companion Mu Xue left the hot pot restaurant, Mu Xue beside her suddenly yelled.

    Zhang Yufei was still thinking about Xue Qiao. Hearing Mu Xue's bluffing, her tone was a bit bad, "What's wrong?"

    Mu Xue had long been accustomed to Zhang Yufei's moodiness, she said enthusiastically, "No wonder I just felt that That boy is familiar, so he is Huo Xiaoxiong!"

    Unlike Zhang Yufei, who came to Beijing from university, Mu Xue was a native of the capital. If Zhang Yufei didn't know much about Huo Xiaoxiong, then Mu Xue knew all about Huo Xiaoxiong's deeds.

    She has heard the name Huo Xiaoxiong since elementary school.

    Before his grandfather retired, he was a senior official, his father was a deputy ministerial cadre, his mother was a diplomat, and his uncle was a well-known entrepreneur.

    Really rich and powerful.

    And he himself is too good. God seems to treat him very favorably. In addition to giving him a generous family background, he also gave him a handsome face and a smart head.

    From elementary school, she heard the most "Know, Huo Xiaoxiong won the xx award again", "Huo Xiaoxiong took the fifth place in the city in this exam", "Huo Xiaoxiong took first place in the piano competition for junior high school students" , "Huo Xiaoxiong looks better and better."

    Although she had heard Huo Xiaoxiong's name countless times, she had only seen him in the phone album of her classmates.

    The profile is delicate and the eyes are charming.

    It's just a pity, and she is not in the same world. She didn't pay too much attention to Huo Xiaoxiong, so she didn't recognize him the first time just now.

    After Zhang Yufei heard about Huo Xiaoxiong's family background from Mu Xue, his eyes changed.

    She looked at Mu Xue with some suspicion, and couldn't help but confirm it again, "Are you serious? This is really Huo Xiaoxiong just now?"

    Mu Xue rolled her eyes and said, "I love to believe it, but I don't believe it."

    Zhang Yufei smiled hurriedly, and said kindly, "Oh, what you said, of course I believe it. But why would he come here to eat hot pot?" Although the hot pot just now was very popular, it was mainly because it was open. Near the university town, the price is reasonable, and it is popular with the surrounding students.

    The dance school she attended is near the hot pot restaurant.

    But in fact, the taste of hot pot restaurants is average, and their reputation is not big in the city.

    National Tsing Hua University where Huo Xiaoxiong studied is nearly an hour's drive away. He couldn't come here specially to eat hot pot in this restaurant, right?

    Mu Xue glanced sideways at Zhang Yufei, "Are you really not paying attention to the'Black Forest Dance Festival'?"

    Zhang Yufei's tone was nonchalant, even with a slight contempt, "Oh, are you talking about that amateur dance competition? Me? What are you paying attention to?" Zhang Yufei is currently preparing for the international competition in a few days. Her focus has long been on international dance competitions instead of at home.

    She has already stepped out of the country to develop into the world, so naturally she doesn't pay attention to these amateur dance competitions that she doesn't care about.

    Mu Xue sighed, "The young lady you greeted just now is the first place in the preliminaries of this'Black Forest Dance Festival'. I guess they are all accompanying her to compete in the Shijing Gymnasium."

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