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    Xue Qiao looked at the arrogant rear wing of the big red sports car that was about to disappear from sight, and asked casually, "Who is this?"

    Zhang Yaya casually replied, "Huo Xiaoxiong next door."

    Huo Xiaoxiong.


    His family must have great expectations of him.

    While Xue Qiao was still thinking, Zhang Yaya had already used her broken bag to break her face back, and said in a calm tone that was only after seeing everything, "Don't I saw that they have a girlfriend, and he and we are not in the same world." At

    this moment, Xue Qiaofu was in his heart, and suddenly felt that his roommate might have an unknown past under the appearance of playing with other people's feelings.

    She thought of a widely circulated rumor about Zhang Yaya's past.

    But it was only an instant, she let it go.

    Since it's a rumor, I'm still paying attention to what to do. Even if it happened, it has already passed.

    Xue Qiao and Zhang Yaya were walking on the way to Qianlixiang Wonton Shop and heard the whispers of many girls around.

    All the whispers, summed up, are actually only two simple keywords.

    Sports car. Huo Xiaoxiong.

    Have fun talking about it.

    Xue Qiao and Zhang Yaya happened to have an empty table when they arrived at the Wonton shop. The owner and wife of this shop have a enthusiastic attitude. Wonton is the best restaurant near the school, so the shop is always hot and full of tables. Something often happens.

    The students sitting nearby were all college students like them.

    When the wontons were on the table, Xue Qiao held his chin with both hands, recalling the young man's throat that was rolling because of drinking water, and the white and slender man holding a mineral water bottle. Finger.

    These two fragments stayed in her mind forever. Can't forget.

    Xue Qiao pursed his lips and looked at Zhang Yaya who was sitting right across from her and looking at her mobile phone.

    She yelled, "Yaya."

    Zhang Yaya was checking Weibo at this time , and he gave a casual hum.

    "Who is Huo Xiaoxiong's girlfriend?"

    Zhang Yaya raised her head and frowned invisibly.

    Why are you still talking about him.

    It's not a good thing to be too curious about a man.

    There are many people who know Huo Xiaoxiong's girlfriend, only Xue Qiao, who lives in the dormitory, doesn't know it. If she goes back to the dormitory, she will know the answer if she clicks on Baidu.

    So Zhang Yaya answered her directly, "Fu Jia, the flower of the National Tsing Hua University."

    Xue Qiao also knows Fu Jia. After all, Dong Da and Tsing Hua University are not separated by a wall. National Tsing Hua University and Dongda University are also 211.985 universities. One focuses on science and the other focuses on liberal arts. The two adjacent schools have been fighting secretly. They all want to secure the top 1 throne of domestic colleges and universities.

    And Fu Jia is too famous in the National Taiwan University.

    When Xue Qiao enrolled in her freshman year, she had heard the name Fu Jia.

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