Pete was laughing looking at me and teasing me. The water had splashed on my shirt and it was completely soaked. It wasn't Pete's mistake but still my evil mind wanted to teach him a lesson. I changed the direction and pointed the pipe in Pete's direction making him get wet. He screamed as the water hit him.

We were now playing around like small kids trying to catch each other. The water pipe was thrown on the ground and I managed to turn it off while we continued to play.

It was getting dark and we didn't notice the clouds that had covered the sky. Then it started to drizzle and soon it started to pour heavily. I grabbed Pete's hand and we ran towards the gazebo since running towards the house was going to take more time.

We were getting wet again and I didn't want to risk Pete catching cold. We entered the gazebo and I closed the door. It was dark inside except for the slight light coming from the lantern that was hanging outside.

I turned around to look at Pete and then my body was all set on fire. His clothes were soaked and were sticking to his body. I could clearly see the milky white skin through the wet fabric. He had his back towards me.

I moved closer to him taking in the mesmerising view. I wrapped my hands around his waist and I could feel him getting stiff. I was about to pull away when I felt him getting relaxed in my arms. I could feel the warmth and I wanted to feel it more.

My mind stopped working and I let myself go with the flow. It had been quite a while that this desire was building inside me. I inched closer to him and then pressed my lips on his neck. I felt him shiver and then he tilted his head giving me a better access to his neck.

I started to kiss his neck lovingly breathing in his scent. I could feel his body reacting to my touches in the positive way. I turned him around to look at him. Damn!!!! He looked so beautiful and sexy. He was making me lose my self-control.

I took some steps forward making him stumble backward and then pinned him to the wall. His eyes were still closed but he didn't deny nor reject. I looked at his face. Water was dripping from his hairs and his face was all wet, especially the lips. They looked so inviting at present.

I leaned forward closing the distance between us inch by inch. My hands were resting on his waist while his hands were placed on my shoulder. I was now just few centimetres away from him and I could feel his breathe getting heavy. His lips were slightly parted and cheeks dusted pink.

I closed my eyes as I pressed my lips against his. Ah! What a heavenly feeling! Nothing could compare to what I was feeling now. My first kiss, with my love, with someone I cherished the most. I felt that sweet taste and wanted to savour it. I deepened the kiss and he was responding with same fervour.

I had never kissed anyone earlier so I was inexperienced and so was Pete. I could make out through the way we both were kissing. But I wanted to go with the flow. My hands were now caressing his back and his hands were fisted into my hairs.

Wow!!!!! I was feeling so wonderful at present. I bit on his bottom lip and he gasped. I took the opportunity to shove my tongue inside his mouth and started to play with his. After a while, the tongue battle was in full swing and none of us was ready to give up. Thanks to some of the adult stuff that I have watched and read that proved useful now.

I trailed my lips to his neck and found his sensitive spot. I kissed him there very softly and he moaned. Damn! That sound made my member twitch. I pressed myself against him and started to kiss him passionately as my hands now flew to his shirt slowly unbuttoning it.

I could feel the same desperation from him as he was tugging at the hem of my shirt. "Pete...." I whispered against his ear and then gave it a soft bite making him shiver. I could feel his heavy breathing as I continued my task.

He felt so warm, so soft, so delicious at present that I couldn't control myself. And the way he moaned made me want to do things that I have never ever done before. I managed to open the top two buttons of his shirt exposing his milky white skin.

My lips moved to his neck and then to his shoulder. Then I slowly licked the soft skin moving it over his shoulder to and fro. And I could feel him squirm at each touch. He was very sensitive.

I was lost in the ecstasy to even remember where we were and what we were doing. Suddenly there was this annoying sound coming from my cell phone that broke this beautiful moment. Pete opened his eyes and looked at me with horror.

I know why he reacted like that. He was confused since he was going to marry phi. And we did something that seemed to be wrong in his terms. I have known Pete for long now to understand what he would be feeling now. I moved back loosening my grip on him.

He moved away and then ran out of the place. I fished out the cell phone only to see the missed call from phi. Remind me to turn off this this idiotic thing the next time I am with Pete.

I walked out of the place only to see that the downpour was reduced and it was slightly drizzling. I hurried towards the house only to find Aunt standing at the door. She pointed towards the direction of Pete's room telling me that he went to his room directly.

I rushed upstairs and knocked the door before opening it. Pete was there standing in the balcony with his back towards me. "Pete?" I called him cautiously with fear. I didn't know what he will do but I dind't wanted him to break our friendship. Have I been in too much of haste to do something that needed his consent?

My heart was beating like  hysterically as I waited for his reaction. He turned around and I was holding my breath to face his anger. But nothing like that happened. His face was calm and there was no sign of regret on his face.

I was relieved to some extent but it couldn't take away the anxiety. Because there was still this thought that this might be the silence before the storm. He took few steps towards me and stood at a metre's distance.

He was looking down at his feet while flustering with his fingers. He was thinking something and was trying to form a coherent sentence. I knew him too well.

"Errr... A-Ae, I am sorry that I ran away abruptly. But I didn't know what to do. Ummm... About that.. I mean what happened in there.... I don't regret it. I am not angry with you, I am just confused. You know that I am going to marry your brother but to be honest; I don't have any feelings for him. I agreed to what my father told me but I am way too confused about it now. I like spending time with you, I like it when you are there with me all time, I like it when you pinch my cheeks, I feel safe when I am with you. I just need time to sort out these feelings for you. Can you please not feel disgusted about me for whatever that happened?" I could feel worry in his voice when he spoke.

So now he was worried that I will feel disgusted about him for whatever that happened? "Pete, never ever think that I feel disgusted about you. And whatever happened, it was I, who begin it in first place so don't feel that I will ever regret it. In fact, I loved it." I inched closer to him, taking slow steps. I didn't want to scare him.

I held his hands in mine while I continued to talk, "Pete, take your time to sort out your feelings and I'll take care about this marriage thing. You need not worry. I will not let anyone force you to marry my brother." I promised him and then squeezed his hand gently. I could see the smile returning to his face.

I felt relieved knowing that he didn't break our relation because it would have made me feel guilty for whatever happened. But now, knowing that Pete didn't had any feelings for phi did make me happy. I could only hope that he will sort out everything really soon because I can't wait anymore........... Don't think I am being pervert. It's just me trying to put an end to this unwanted wedding.

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