Chapter one: Empire state of mind

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A/N: Before we start if you haven't read my book "A soulmate who wasn't meant to be" yet you should read it before you start this one.

The story's are related and to understand this one better you should start with the previous one.

Hope you'll enjoy<3

I couldn't believe I was living my dream life in New York.

It was always my biggest dream to become an actress and here I can finally do it.

I never really had a big project yet just some cameos in a couple of movies but I had a long journey ahead of me.

I was sitting in my apartment just playing around with my dog, when I got a call from my agent.

"Hey" "Hi Y/N how are you doing today?" "I'm great, how are you?"

"I'm good and I have wonderful news"

"What is it?" I asked exited "I just got off the phone with kevin Feige, he is a very good friend of mine and-"   "Works for Marvel" She chuckled

"So you know who i'm talking about, great well you have a meeting booked with him this monday"

"I have a what!?" I asked again Just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

"You have a meeting with him on monday i'll text you the details good luck"

"Thank you so much!"  "Your welcome Y/N have fun"

I hung up the phone and screamed in excitement. I couldn't believe I was going to meet THE Kevin Feige.

Couple of minutes later I got a text with the time and place for the meeting.

I was so excited I couldn't believe it was happening, I didn't get much sleep on those couple of nights.

Oh, another thing you should know about me. I have struggled with anxiety and insomnia since I was 13 and I'm an overthinker which means I don't get much rest because my mind won't shut off like never, especially at night.

I spent all of the nights until the meeting overthinking every bad thing that could happen.

What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm a bad actress? What if i'll make a fool out of myself?

My mind kept racing and racing until I fell asleep but woke up after an hour.

It was Monday morning. I woke up at 7:30 after sleeping for 2 hours. I was exhausted but somehow the excitement made me more energetic than my current state.

I got out of bed and took a shower, brushed my teeth and did my skin care.

I made myself some coffee to go.

At 9:00 I got a text from my agent.

⚪ Sarah🤩


Good morning lovely, remember you have

a meeting at 9:30 with Kevin, I spoke very

highly of you, don't disappoint me, good luck. xx

I chuckled at the text. I loved my agent, she was so caring, she was one of the only people who believed in me, but honestly that text made me kinda nervous.

I quickly responded to her


Good morning, I was just about to

head out, thank you.

I wont dissapoint you I promise.

I got my keyes and bag, said goodbye to my dog and headed out of the apartment.

After about a 15 minute walk I got to a nice caffe, I wasn't planning on getting anything since I already drank a coffee on the way.

I stood outside and took a deep breath, this was my moment I couldn't mess up. I have to be perfect.

I made my way inside and then I saw him sitting at a table alone with his laptop. I approached him slowly and I could feel my hands slightly shaking.

"Hey, I'm Y/N. My agent said we have a meeting booked" I said slightly nervous.

"Of course it's nice to finally meet you Y/N" he shaked my hand

"Here, have a seat" I slowly sat in the chair in front of him.

"So Y/N, tell me a bit about yourself" he said, smiling at me.

"Well I'm originally from Y/HT (Your hometown). I moved here because it was my dream to become an actress since I can remember.

I never really had a big role before just some small cameos in some movies" I already was fidgeting with my fingers.

"Well, your agent spoke very highly of you and I took a look at your resume. You used to be a dancer, is that correct?"

"Yes I started dancing when I was 5 but kinda stopped when I moved here"

"How long ago did you move to New York?"

"A year and a half"  "So you still have your dancing skills in you I assume"

"Yeah I think I'm pretty capable of dancing right now" I chuckled nervously.

"And you are 19 years old" "I am"

"Well I must say I'm quite impressed with your resume, And I would like to invite you to an audition. I'm making a new TV show for Marvel. Are you familiar with some of them?"

"I am, I'm kind of a very huge fan I watched every single one of them"

"Great well, so i'm sure you're familiar with Sophia Maximoff"

"I am" "The actress who played her quit after Endgame so we're having auditions for that part I would love if you could make it"

"Of course it will be an honor!"

"Great I'll send your agent the details and i'll see you soon"

"Thank you so much" I said shaking his hand

"Have a lovely day" He said as he walked out of the caffe.

I exhaled heavily trying to process everything that just happened.

Did he just ask me personally to come to an audition? I thought to myself

I got out of the caffe heading back to my apartment. When I got there I got a text from my agent.

⚪ Sarah🤩


Hey Y/N, I just spoke to Kevin.

He had a lovely time meeting you.

I'll text you the audition details

later good job you made me proud


Thank you so much!

Hope to see you soon

I placed my phone on the counter while I headed for the kitchen to make myself some food.
I'm so happy I got this audition. I really hope I won't mess this up.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! 

We will meet Lizzie very soon ;)

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