Chapter 14

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        "Good morning Joyce, did you sleep well?" Lucielle asked. I was leaning over Carries Journal, newspaper clippings and files. Her being in the room with me, really only added extra tension. I groaned, "I didn't go to sleep" I replied, flipping a page in the diary. She didn't reply, probably because she could sense that I was busy, or possibly because she was going to kill me.

        "What the hell...." I mumbled under my breath. I shuffled through the newspaper clippings and found the one I was looking for. "Why didn't they..." I said, talking to myself. I didn't understand.

                                                                                                                                        June 21, 1991

Dear Diary,

I don't understand this. 6 children have died, yet the parents are not concerned, or worried. The newspapers and magazines play it off like the goverment is just taking the children to keep them safe. I do not see how parents are not concerned, maybe if they knew the truth about where there kids where. That they're kids are dead, lying underneath floorboards, maybe then they would be concerned. School goes on as normally, no one seems to care that there students are disappearing. Not even the police, bother to search for the missing children. How is it that such a tragedy goes unnoticed?

        I looked at the newspaper article in my hand, written by the students of Pleasant Grove Elementary School. I read the article aloud, "10 children have gone missing in a month, yet parents and all adults in Pleasant Grove, North Carolina do not seem bothered by this. No panic, no concern nothing. How is it that such a tragic string of events goes unnoticed in such a small town, and in such a small amount of time?"

        I had the same question, but no awnsers.

                                                                                                                        June 28, 1991

Dear Diary,

I did it! I finally found someone who realized what was going on. Her name is Aveline. She is 21, and lives in a white house down the road from our slaughter house. I wanted to tell everyone, but I know they would just kill her, so I told Lucielle. She is a new member of our group. She understands me better than anyone else, she is my best friend. Now and forever.

And that's when it hit me, a flash back.

        "Hello Lucielle, have a nice trip?" I said, smirking at her. She looked down, tears forming in her blue eyes. I wasn'y usually this mean to her, but she had betrayed us, we were only keeping her alive because if we killed her, Lucielle would betray us, and it is easier just to kill one person than two. I walked off, hugging Chase and Luke.  "There you are darling" SImon said, kissing me.I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you hun" He said, I smiled pressing my lips to his again.

        "Is she here yet?" I asked, Luke smiled and led me inside where Aveline sat,tied to the little wooden chair. "Please let me go." She begged, her voice had a southern accent, and she looked like a southern belle.

        "Hand me the knife" I said, holding my hand out. Simon placed the long slender knife in my hand. I smiled and ran the dull side of the blade against Aveline's cheek. She looked at me terrified, tears running down her cheeks. "You know our secret, therefore you are to much of a threat to us." I said, and with one long whip of my arm, I slit her throat.

        She gagged for a few moments, and then silence. I smiled, Luke took the knife and went over to the sink to clean it off. I was then handed a vile, and pressed it to my victims throat. Blooded drizzled into it, I filled it halfway, popped the cork in and handed it to Simon, who placed it with the others after labiling it.

        I walked out of the Slaughter House, blood covering my skin, hair, and clothes. I walked over to Carrie and Lucielle, wiped a glob of blood out of my hair and flung it at them, it splattering on there dresses. "Think before you speak" I said harshly, before walking past them, to the river to get cleaned up.

        "Viles...viles...viles" I mumbled to myself, pushing everything into my napsack, and running out of the house to the shack, or Slaughter House.

        When I arrived, I tried to remember where the viles were. "Okay the chair was here, so I must have been here, and they were..." I ranted on to myself, replaying what I had just seen. I ran over to the right side of the room, the wall with no window, and started rummaging through papers, and all objects imaginable.

        That's when I saw it, 41 different viles of blood, all labeled. I carefully placed them into my bag, and looked around more carefully. Something shimmered from underneath the table, I got on my knees, and grabbed it. It was a necklace, a neclace with a hand on it. I put it in my bag, and left, feeling as if I was being watched.


        When I got home, everyone was up, and was either cooking, bathing, or cleaning. I walked down various hallways until I found the office. I locked the door, and sat on the floor, spreading out all of the papers and other things. I decided reading the diary, and looking for clues whenever carrie hinted at something was my best bet.

               Dear Diary,

I did not date these entries, because if anyone is ever to find this, then they can tie the dates together. They killed Lucielle, first they ripped her necklace off, and then slit her throat right infront of me, they told me I was next, so I ran away. I do not know where I am now, all I know is that I am scared and that there is no place to go. I cannot go back or they will kill me for sure, so for now I will stay here. It is safe here, at least for now. I wanted to take Lucielle's neclklance with me, but I didn't have time to grab it before I ran away. I only had time to pack a blanket and a little bit of food. Joyce and the others came to my house after school, and asked my mother if I was home, she said yes and let them inside, so I ran out the back door. I couldn't let them kill me. I also took my little brother, I know that they would have killed him, just because they are mad at me so I took him. I wonder how long I will have to stay in hiding. This may be my last entry, but maybe not.

        I sighed, wiping tears from my face. "Who is he?" I asked myself, reffering to her little brother. There were a couple of entries after this one.

        Dear Diary,

It has been a month now, me and Tommy celebrated his birthday by walking to the next town and getting him a new blanket and sleeping bag. When we got back "home" and then we ate the 2 chocolate bars that we bought for 15 cents each. It has been getting cold here, winter is approaching, The winters here can be quite harsh. I will go down the market and buy blankets, and maybe a tent, if it is not to expensive. Money is very scarce, but on the upside, none of the others have found me or Tommy, I just hope it stays that way.

        "Oh....okay wow" I said, slding everything into my bag neatly. "I will continue looking at this tomorrow" I said, getting up and walking into the bedroom we all shared, I laid down in the vacant bed, and fell into a deep sleep and dreams of confusion and fear.

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