Chapter 10

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        "Joyce?!" Simon yelled, running after me. After reading that last entry, I ran out of the shack and back into the house. I didn't want to be in here, but I also didn't want to be in that shack"Joyce! Wait up!" Simon yelled, catching up to me, and grabbing my arms. I realized I was crying and suddenly got embarrassed. He pulled me into a hug, and I wrapped my arms around him. He was tall enough, he rested his head on mine.

        "I am so scared Simon" I whispered into his chest, enjoying his warm embrace. "Me to" He replied. I looked up at him, and he kissed me. Slightly shocked, I was also pleased, I was single, and simon was sweet, and attractive.

        "Hey guys, we were wondering where you were!" A familiar voice said, I turned around quickly and saw Chase standing in the door way. "We came weren't here" Simon said uncertainly. There was something off about them, but we went inside anyway. If we didn't we would get hypothermia.

        "Did Chase tell you what we found?" Christina said. I shrugged, wrapping my self up in a towel. "We found a chest, it had cards and lots of candles, oh! And we found more food" She said, I looked around, everyone was here, everyone except Carrie that is.

        "Hey, where is Carrie?" I asked. Evreyone looked confused. Then an ear splitting scream broke our confused silence. "Come on" I said, me and Simon went together while everyone else stupidly split up.

        "OH MY GOD" I heard Christina scream from the right side of the house, me and Simon looked at eachother, thinking the exact same thing. 'She's dead'. We bolted off, hand in hand to where Christina stood, and sure enough, Carrie was dead. She was hung on the wall.

        I walked over to her and grabbed the note she held in her cold lifeless hand. "Listen..." I said, hushing everyones panicked talking. "You killed, me so now I kill her. Remember me yet?" I read from the note. I looked at Simon. "Lucille" I whispered, none of the others got what I was saying, except Simon.

        "What the hell does Lucielle have to do with this?! A random dead woman!" Chase yelled, hitting the walls. I held onto Simons arm, as he rubbed my hand. I looked up at him, and he forced a smile, kissing the top of my head.

        "Think about it, this Lucielle person, that none of us knows tells someone to give all of us an invatation, at the funeral there is no body, we find a note and map in the wall, and it leads us here, and then we find a dead body, no sorry lots of dead bodies. And then we find this" I say, my voice quivering as I tried not to cry. Simon holds out the diary, and Chase takes, they all sit down, reading it.

        "Let's go take a shower" I say to Simon, he nods and holds my hand as we walk down hallways into the small gray tiled bathroom. "I'll stay out here" Simon says, turning, about to leave. "No!" I say suddenly, and blush." I  mean it would be safer if you stay in here with me.....just so you know, we are not alone" I say, stripping down. He nods, and sits on the toilet lid. I slide into the shower and quickly wash, not bothering to soak up the warm water. I grab a towel, and then let Simon take his shower. We walk out, and go into the bedroom, finding some dry clothes.

        "Can I open my eyes Simon?" I ask. He removes my hands from my eyes, and looks into my eyes. "Joyce, I don't know how long we are going to live, so I have to tell you something." He says seriously. I get nervous, and nod indicating for him to continue. "I love you"He said, I gasped and hugged him and smiled        

        "I love you to" I said, he smiled and hugged me tighter. "Thank god." I was so nervous to tell you that" He said blushing. I chuckled, and he kissed my cheek, I turned my face slightly, pressing my lips to his. He smiled.


        "Can't sleep?" Simon asked, brushing some of my hair from my face. We had decided to share a bed tonight. I shook my head no, and he kissed my forehead. He pulled me close, and hummed to me. I quickly fell asleep in his warm embrace.

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