Chapter 13

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        "Can we please just go inside?! I do not like it in here" Christina said, holding onto Luke. I rolled my eyes, and took a step farther into the hallway, receiving a squeal of fright from Christina. Lucielle didn't seem to mind the dark. 'I wouldn't either if I was dead' I thought, pressing my hand against the wall in front of us.

        "See there is nothing in- AHH" I screamed, falling through the wall. I heard Lucielle giggiling from behind me, as she stepped over me and walked into the room. "Careful Joyce" She said, smirking down at me. I glared at her. "look at this, isn't it just gorgeous?" Lucielle said, walking on the bright green grass.

        "Oh Jesus Christ" Chase said, as Simon helped me up. I shot him a confused look, then turned around and saw what he was talking about. We had just walked out of a mausoleum. Over to the left of me, Christina was throwing up while Lucielle weaved in and out between the graves, her stark white dress seeming nearly transparent in the wind, she looked like a ghost.

        "Let's go..." I said, stopping mid-sentence when I saw it. The grave stone that would prove we were all insane.

Lucielle Alice Hawthorn

Beloved friend of Christina Smith,

Chase Mitchell , Joyce Tylers

Carrie Fern, Simon Kent,

and Lukas shawl.

        "Guys look at this" I said, everyone but Lucielle came over to the grave, I guess she didn't need to, she already knew what was there.

        "What is it Joyce?" Simon asked, looking at where the grave had just been, but now it was gone. As if it had just disappeared, when I looked up Christina was glaring at me, I silently gasped. 'She made it disappear' I thought to myself.

        "I-It's nothing' I stuttterd. Simon gave me a concerned look and hugged me reassuringly, as if to say 'I still love you even if you're crazy' I looked up at him, he looked worn down and tired, but who could blame him? We had been out in the middle of no where for a week now. For all we knew we could go back to where we lived, and nobody would be there.

        "Can we please go back?" I asked, looking up at the sky and shivering. It was going to snow. We all agreed to go back, and decided to take the long route rather than go back through the moselum.

        When we reached the house, evreyone went to start a fire except me, I stood by the window. Watching snowflakes fall on the ground It was beautiful. And that is when I saw her.  "What the hell" I said, running out the front door into the yard, which was now covered by two feet of freezing snow. I ran throughout the front and back yard, looking for someone, but I couldn't find her. Then I saw her again, running to the graveyard, I followed her. The last thing I remember was fallig in the snow, and her tanding over me.



        "Joyce? Are you okay?" I heard a voice say from over me. I was to tired to open my eyes, but I heard lots of rustiling around.

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