It bursts open, and the blue shell shatters, revealing a shining orange stone behind it. It sends intense energy radiating out from it, nearly blowing you away.

        You're barely able to open your eyes and stare at the stone. Soon, it stops, and your frail body falls to the ground.

        You faintly hear your father's voice, "What the hell happened?! Grab her and take her to the other room for our second test."

•End Flashback•

After the memory is fully restored, Loki pulls his hand off of your forehead.

"How do you feel?"

You chuckle, "Like I relived the moment. It's okay. I'm okay." You reassure, laying your hand on his cheek, "Can we do the next one now?"

Loki looks unsure, scared, and worried, so you give a warm smile.

"It's okay, Loki."

He reluctantly places his hand back on your forehead.


        You wake up on the floor of another small metal room, exactly like the previous one, with only one way out. You slowly stand up, completely exhausted.

        You don't want to go through the door, but you're beginning to feel claustrophobic. It eventually takes over, so you walk over to the door and open it.

        You find yourself in a room similar to the last one where the scepter was. This time there is a large capsule full of blue energy sitting on a stand.

        The speaker in the room crackles before your father's voice comes through, "Destroy it."

        You slowly approach it but back away when it shines brighter.

        "Are you going to keep your promise?" You question feebly.

        "Of course!"

        You slowly nod, "How do I destroy it?"

        "Use your magic." Your father states.

        You gulp, "M-Magic? I have magic?"

        "Yes. Now focus on destroying it with that magic."

        You try and try, but you can't use magic no matter how hard you try.

        "I can't, dad." You admit in embarrassment.

        Your father scoffs, "Yes, you can!"

        You shake your head.

        "Do it, Y/N. Do it!"

        Your stress and aggravation overwhelm you causing magic to encircle you.

        "Dad!" You sob as you're lifted off the ground.

        "Let it take over, Y/N. Let it!" Your father screams.

        Your powers explode the glass container. The blue energy and your gold magic intertwine, merging. You end up absorbing the blue energy, sending it surging through your body.

        "Yes!" Your father shouts.

        You start to weep, "It hurts! Dad, it hurts so much!"

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