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You and Loki finish cleaning up the broken glass scattered all around his room. Afterward, you both leave to go into the common room where the others are, halting in your tracks when you hear them from around the corner.

"Loki is dangerous. He hurt Y/N." Steve insists.

"Allow him to explain himself!" Thor instantly comes to Loki's defense.

"Y/N is our friend. He hurt her, and he needs to deal with the consequences of his actions." Tony decides.

"Y/N clearly trusts him, and I think we need to have a bit of trust in her," Bucky replies.

Steve sighs, "I'm sorry, Buck, but we need to handle him."

Loki begins radiating anger and walks into their view, "Handle me?!"

Everyone's attention turns to Loki. You step next to Loki, out into their view as well. You gently take Loki's hand in yours with a light squeeze, stopping him from doing something he'll regret as well as providing him comfort.

He looks over at you, his angry expression turning to a soft one at the warm smile you give him before he turns back to the others, as do you.

"...I have explained the reason for my actions... it doesn't excuse them in the slightest, but I did explain."

You nod, "I understand where he's coming from. If he ends up getting out of hand, even though I know he won't, I can deal with it."

Natasha walks over to you two, "Okay, Y/N. Only because you say so." She turns to Loki, "But if you hurt anyone again, especially Y/N, we won't be this forgiving."

Loki nods, "Thank you, Agent Romanoff."

"Thank you al-"

"Y/N..." Tony interrupts you with worry in his voice.

You walk toward Tony, "Yes?"

"Bruce and I have to run some tests on you."

"What?!" You exclaim.

Tony gives an assuring smile and rubs your upper arm, "We only need to figure out a few things about your magic."


You follow Tony and Bruce into the lab. After they gather what they need for tests, you leave.

        After some test results, they bring you back.

"Jarvis detected traces of... a certain material on you... we need to get another sample to run a couple more tests."

"Why so cryptic?"

"We don't want to freak out." Bruce sets a glass box in front of you, "We need you to create an energy ball then put it inside this case."

You nod a bit, "Can I hang out with Wanda after, or do you still need me?"

"After you give us the magic sample, you're free to go." Tony smiles.

You nod again before creating a medium-sized gold energy ball. You carefully guide it into the now open cube. Somehow it keeps your magic alive even after you stop actively keeping it going.

Bruce grins, "Now, feel free to go spend some time with Wanda."

You return the smile and leave to find her. Wanda meets you halfway, beaming.

"What did they say?"

"They needed some of my magic to run a few more tests." You inform.

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